"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

March 30, 2007

A great read

I started reading Smith Wigglesworth on Healing by Smith Wigglesworth. It is awesome!
These are sermons he gave in the early 1900's. Here are some quotes I enjoyed:

"Every trial is a blessing. There have been times when I have been hard-pressed through circumstances, and it seems as if a dozen steamrollers were going over me, but I have found that the hardest things are just lifting places into the grace of God. We have such a lovely Jesus. He always proves Himself to be such a mighty Deliverer. He never fails to plan the best things for us."

"Women often say to their children, 'Run and fetch my purse, I cannot get along without my purse.' Mother, have you ever run back for your Bible? It contains richer gold and greater power. "

"All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's word. You need it every day."

"Our God is real, and He has saving and healing power today. Our Jesus is the same "yesterday, today, and forever," (Heb.13:8) He saves and heals today just as of old, and He wants to be your Savior and your Healer."

"God is pleased when we stand on the Rock and believe that He is unchangeable. If you will dare to believe God, you can defy all the powers of evil. There have been times in my experience when I have dared to believe Him and have had the most remarkable experiences."

It's a real faith builder to read about these 'remarkable experiences' he had while being used of God.



Robin Green said...

I've not read his work, but I know he was a great man of God. Loved these quotes.

Anonymous said...

I really loved these quotes, Becky. This one really spoke to my heart;
"All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's word. You need it every day."
Thanks for sharing.

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

My pastor of 20 years quoted Smith Wigglesworth often. Thanks for sharing this blessing today.