"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

October 26, 2018

Learning to say 'Yes'

I was recently given a hotel stay and a free ticket to a woman's conference in Daytona and I actually said 'Yes' and went.
Amazing, right? 
 Even though it was totally out of my comfort zone! And I didn't have anyone to go with. And I'm not a spontaneous, spur of the moment type of person, at all!
  I took my first road trip ALONE ever and went, despite the fact that I didn't know the women I'd be sharing a hotel room with very well. 
Of course finding out that the  hotel was a Hilton and RIGHT on the beach, in a room with a gorgeous view helped me feel a whole lot better about the whole thing. LOL ; )

And then the first speaker shared her story and half way through, it became apparent that she is a widow. 
And then I KNEW why I was there! 
In my almost three years as one, I've never heard a widow speak before. 
Her story had so many elements that were similar to  my story. in any of the conferences I've been to. (not that that's a lot)
It really blessed me to get to see how her story of restoration and healing reached a thousand women of all ages and backgrounds and marital statuses!
It was beautiful and so much prayer and ministry took place when she was done. 

All the speakers that weekend were great and had tremendous stories and teachings to share. And the ladies I hardly knew, became my friends!

I made some time to play in the waves of the Atlantic too. I was jumping and laughing and having a great time because the beach is my happy place! Then a wave took me face down to the ground and I felt my legs come over my head and when I eventually stood up, I was facing the other direction!!!  So that was officially the first cart wheel I've done in 30 years! I got out after that shaken and knowing I'd been beat. And seriously wondering if all my body parts still worked. LOL Thankfully, they did! 

It was definitely the weekend that turned me upside down in more ways than one and I'm so glad I said 'yes.' 


October 21, 2018

Book study

I was in a weekly women's small group for a year and a half or so and then the lives of all the ladies got really busy and we couldn't find a night that continued to work for all of us to meet but we stayed connected by posting our prayer requests on a private Facebook page and praying for each other.
 Then we did some online Bible studies on the Bible app.
 The next evolution was reading a book, together and posting our comments on each chapter on a private Facebook page.  I got seriously behind on reading schedule, but the leader of that study is persistent and she is still cheering me on to finish so we can all go out to dinner and discuss it.

I'm not sure what kind of a small group would work best for your life but I hope you have one of some kind, whether you meet in person regularly or have a private Facebook page for sharing prayer requests. However yours looks, I hope you have some people who will challenge you, pray for you when needed, meet you for dinner or movie, share thoughts from the Word with you and make you laugh harder than you've laughed in a long time. Relationships are worth investing in and so are people.

And speaking of our book study, here are some awesome quotes from Adamant, by Lisa Bevere.

"You were born to scale mountains, not merely scan phones. You were born for face to face connections, not emojis. Speak God's word rather than merely echo it in likes and reposts. 
You were made for involvement."
