"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

March 3, 2007

Our Friday evening

My hubby has an excellent bedside manner. Each time that I was pregnant, I had morning sickness. I used to say that "I never threw up alone," ; ) because my incredible hubby would stand beside me the whole time and hold my hair and put a cool cloth on my neck. (isn't that amazing?) And when I had pneumonia for 3 months I was constantly reminded that I do not deserve such a wonderful man! When someone is sick in our family, the kids like to give that person a bell to ring in case they need something and for one of them or me or a bunch us, to go and help that person. So, needless to say, being sick and being LONELY is something that we've never experienced! (sometimes I think I'd like to give being lonely a try! ha ha)

A dear friend of ours has been sick for a few weeks now, with this bug he hasn't been able to shake. He was planning to come over last night and I thought he would want to cancel when I heard that he had a fever. But, no, he said he still wanted to come. He was scared and lonely, he said. I had never thought of how lonely and depressing it can be to be single and sick. He wanted to come over and stay the night in case a hospital visit was necessary and because he said we'd be a 'good distraction.' (No problem there! When he comes over, all four of our kids try to talk to him all at once, poor guy.)

Bless his heart, when he arrived at our house his fever was 101 degrees and his eyes were glassy. God blessed our time together though and we had the chance to see
the healing power of a 'merry heart'+ prayer+ Alieve! : )
After dinner, his fever was gone, he looked a lot better and decided he was well enough to go back to his house! We learned a neat lesson! It was to appreciate how blessed we are to have each other 'in sickness and in health.'
Isn't it awesome that "He sets the solitary in families." Psalm 68:6


P.S. I want to say that the 'Olive Plants' were my heroes! Without being asked they were quiet and low key for this person's sake. You guys rock!!!!!!!


Monkey Giggles said...

Swinging in for the party...It was nice meeting you.

My second Party Gift give-away has begun come on over when you get a chance.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, what a wonderful way to extend the love of Christ to another, Becky. Your family blessed his socks off. And yes, what a hubby indeed. I have never been pregnant, but my guy is also great for coming to my rescue when I need him.