"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 9, 2007

Hopefully not scarred for life

I keep picturing my children as adults, with homes of their own and whenever they hear the phrase "having company" they all begin to twitch uncontrollably! And start mumbling about what their mom put them through as children..."the stress, the grumpiness, the frantic cleaning...it was terrible." They will probably decide that they are allergic to hospitality. ; )
My hubby says it's a phenomenon he's only just beginning to understand. (after 15 years of marriage)

I go to great (more like crazy) lengths when we are having company.
I don't freak out and clean like a maniac quiet as bad for local company just the out of state kind. (no one who is from another country better ever visit us!) : ) Nathan always reminds me 'that it's not like the President is coming over or something!' Yes, for the sake of our sanity, that's a good thing!

And the funny thing is, once the company is in the door and everything looks perfect for, lets say, just 5 minutes, I'm OK if the place gets destroyed in the meantime because that means that we are all having fun!

I'll tell you more about my out of state company tomorrow because I'm really excited and of course, I have to go and CLEAN some more!


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