But now, she is 10 and she's all about Martha Stewart! And it's pretty cute.

"Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord." Psalm 128:3
This summer we have listened to How to Win Friends and Influence People, (for the second time because we love it! Great historical stories and guidelines on how to 'love your neighbor.') The Boy who became President (sequel to the Boy who Ran for President, -It's funny and educational) and now we are on Eldest. (sequel to Eragon)
In only 40 min. we are splashing in warm salt water! We know that because we are weird enough to time it!
I've mentioned before that my hubby enjoys leaving the beach more than he does arriving but that has all changed now. The key is that we don't go until after dinner or around 5:00 or 6:00 pm. Then it isn't beastly hot or crowded. Now he loves it and he's the one saying we should go twice a month! It's a beach going miracle!!!!
When we arrive, we all go straight for the water and play around. Nobody does any relaxing on the blanket....
Joy found this last time and it is truly the best shell any of us have ever found. It's huge! It might have been considered 'live shelling' because there was certainly something ALIVE in it. But we didn't see any signs prohibiting live shelling at this beach... and so we kept it. So, don't tell the beach police! And when 'IT' died, our whole street could just about smell it. Lovely!
Maybe it's time spent enjoying God's creation that does it, but by the time we leave, the cares of this world seem a lot smaller. The wind and the waves just seem to wash all that other stuff from our minds and we see more clearly what is important in life, like loving and obeying our Creator and focusing on time spent with our kiddos.
After taking in a gorgeous sunset, my hubby and I feel all blessed and stress free! : ) It is definitely worth the drive!
Isn't that great?! So, if something isn't either one of those....
then out it goes!
She also mentioned we may want to give away something that is significant to our blogs... That sounded really fun. So, I thought about giving away:
~an olive plant (as in literally a plant and not one of my kids!) but postally speaking, : ) that isn't going to work
~a Home Depot gift card in honor of the remodeling blessing, but I'm not sure LADIES would really enjoy that although my hubby was all for it (not that he could enter)
~ a gift card to Joanne's Fabric because I should be quilting and not blogging, but I'm not sure everyone has one of those
And then it hit me! SOMETHING that almost everyone will love!!! So, come back on Monday and enter the contest and see what it is. : )
Someone at church gave our class a copy of 1 Cor. 13 - "the love chapter" in which they substituted the word "love" with the word "I" because we are suppose to be love. I thought that was a great idea. It is in the Amplified version, I believe. I've been praying these verses lately and they have been a convicting blessing. : )
"I endure long. I am patient and kind. I am never envious and never boil over with jealousy. I am not boastful or vainglorious, and I do not display myself haughtily. I am not rude or unmannerly, and I do not act unbecomingly. I do not insist on my own rights or my own way. for I am not self-seeking, touchy, fretful, or resentful. I do not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but I rejoice when right and truth prevail. I bear up under anything and everything that comes. I am ever ready to believe the best of others. My hopes are fadeless under all circumstances. I endure everything without weakening because the love of God in me never fails."
I finally did it! I listed an item! Hooray! And as I was doing that, I heard this funny conversation going on around me:
Older brother: "One of these days I'm going to see how much I can get for my sister on ebay. The starting bid will be $27.17."
Only sister: "I'm glad you are asking such a good price for me."
Older brother: "And I'm going to have a Buy it Now option." ; )
Have a blessed weekend!
This one I made just for fun to match our living room a few years ago. Joy asked if she could have it and so I gladly gave it to her.
I've found that when patterns say that "you can make this over the weekend," they are lying. ; ) Not really, but if somebody or should I say, everybody, can make it in a weekend then I now know that I can make it in a month!
So, I fell for one of those patterns again and made my largest quilt ever made for Carlos as a Christmas gift.
I thought a bachelor would enjoy a homemade quilt as long as it looked masculine, that is.
By Christmas morning I had it pieced and basted together with the batting...
And I gave it to him just like that! Then he had to give it back to me so that I could quilt and bind it. Tacky, I know.
I thought I would have it done for him by New Years. Oh, am I ever an unrealistic quilter. I was planning to quilt it by machine to get it done fast, but my peddle seems to be broken and I've finally just ripped out the machine quilting and I'm quilting it all by hand. Here it is July, and it isn't done yet. He teases me that 'I am going to milk this gift for all it's worth' and give it to him again for the next holiday too. ha ha - Not a bad idea! But, really, he's been very patient about it.
Since it is flannel, it is one mighty warm quilt. I was sweating bullets with it on my lap last night. And ya know, it is going to be bitterly cold here in FL in AUGUST when I finally finish it, so it will really come in handy! ; )