"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 29, 2008

Our jam packed weekend

So many things have fallen on the same date -this weekend! So, we'll all be going in different directions but we'll all be having lots of fun.

It is that time of year again for my hubby and Zach to go on one of their historical reenactment camp outs with Frontier Camping Fellowship.
Packing for these events always stresses me out. Everything they bring and wear must be period appropriate. Which leaves out things like: normal tents, sleeping bags, paper plates, air mattresses, hair dryers, lawn chairs and lots of other things I wouldn't want to camp without.
But they always have a great time fellowshipping with godly men, hearing some great messages and eating yummy food made over an open fire.

It is also a Teen Bible Quiz weekend for Nathan! He has a practice tonight and a match tomorrow. This year Nathan has memorized all of Galatians, two and a half chapters in Ephesians, all of Philippians, two chapters in Colossians and all of Philemon. It's awesome!!!!!!
This is an important match and big day. Because of the traveling time, we'll be gone for about 11 hrs!- which means that we will have one unhappy parrot by the time we get home!

And, our church is having a missions fair again tonight!!!! And it was awesome last year. We just loved it. So, Joy and Andrew and I will go to that
while Nathan is at TBQ practice and my hubby and Zach are camping (and freezing) 1800's style.
I'm sure I got the good end of this deal. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That frontier camping fellowship sounds really neat. So is Nathan 13 or 14? I just can't get over the scripture memorization thing. I did that when I was his age, but William has never done anything like that. I feel like such a loser. When do we stop feeling like WE are the ones responsible for what our sons and daughters do? Should I have pushed him more spiritually? Is it because of me that he's squirrely? Does he bear any of the responsibility for that? Homeschooling adds that that responsible feeling and I wonder when I'll ever get over it, you know? (These are just hypothetical questions! :-))