My hubby took me out for hot chocolate (since I don't like coffee) and we went and bought our Christmas tree on the morning after Thanksgiving. We didn't get in on the black Friday sales really, except that we bought lots of real poinsettias at Home Depot for 99 cents a piece and that was fun.
They aren't looking so great now, because they have been through two storms that looked like hurricanes but weren't.On Monday night Zach had drama for 3 hours, so I hung out with Joy that night and we did a little shopping while we waited for him.
Tuesday, I babysat for a 6 month old and tried to home school my four at the same time. It was busy but fun. I forgot how exhausting it is to home school with little ones around.
Wednesday, we had the most awesome youth service and God changed some teens lives in a BIG way. Hallelujah!
Thursday, I hosted a Christmas party for the teens in our home school group at a pizza place. Lots of fun. Did some fun games at the table and a gift exchange. For one game, I filled a stocking with 13 items and tied it shut with ribbon then the kids had to feel the outside of the stocking and try to write down all the items. If I ever do that game again, I'll remember that a time limit is needed.
Only the girls guessed the cookie cutter. : ) And no one guessed the tea light.Friday, I took my hubby out to breakfast. The MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers ministry) needed some kids to help run the games at their Christmas party for the preschoolers, so Andrew and Joy volunteered to do that. I was running a cute game
(pin the star on the Christmas tree) when I was asked to go and help do the face painting. Oh My Stars! I've never face painted before.
(and preschoolers have small cheeks!) LOL
They had their choice of a Christmas tree with decorations and presents under it,
(good grief) or a candy cane, or a snowman... Let's just say, they almost all wanted the tree. And I was sweating bullets, while cute moms stood over me
watching. (while I was praying "Help me Jesus! Make this look like a Christmas tree! LOL) It was tons of fun though and no surprise that little girls can sit perfectly still for next to forever and the boys -not so much. ; )
Then Joy had a dance practice and a slumber party to go to.
Saturday, I picked her up from the party and then balanced our checkbook and bought 'football food' for the Gators game.
(sad loss though) While my hubby, Carlos and our boys hung out watching the game, Joy and I went to babysit for some friends who have 4 children. We had fun but it was a really late night.
Sunday was the scheduled week that Joy and I take care of the infants in the nursery at church. Last month when it was our turn Joy sweet talked her dad into taking her place because she didn't want to miss her class. Well, he'll never do that again. : ) Well, we had 6 infants that day! He gave the boys an account of what nursery work is like that is so funny, I should have him post it on the blog. He's a crack up. Anyway, we thankfully only had 4 today.
After church I took a
HUGE nap that was heaven on earth!
This week has more drama practice, 4 Christmas parties, church, and 4 members of our family have birthdays! We are also hoping to use our free tickets to Epcot this weekend if the rain stays away. AhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ~Which reminds me of Amy Grant's song "I Need a Silent Night." ; ) LOL! Great lyrics!
Hope you are having a blessed holiday season!~Becky