Our dear friends the 'A' family blessed us with Disney tickets again this year. The company he works for has a deal of some kind with Disney that is expiring, so this is the last year that they will receive free tickets and we were amazed that they shared their tickets with us again! They are so sweet!
We chose Epcot this time.
But don't ask us which country we ate in because you will be disappointed! : )
I got a kick out of hearing Joy tell her friend on the phone, "Well, we ate in America but it was REALLY good AMERICAN food, not like you eat every day." lol
I guess eating in America is what you do when you have at least one picky eater in the family and a wife who doesn't like Chinese. My hubby knew all along we'd end up in America....
Here are some pictures:

Real (and WONDERFUL) men carry pink backpacks! : )

It was SO cold. (for us that means in the high 50's to low 60's in the middle of the day.) BURRR!!!

It was SO cold. (for us that means in the high 50's to low 60's in the middle of the day.) BURRR!!!
We lost Nathan in Germany or he lost us. (don't ask him about it)

Nathan rode Mission Space alone. Joy and I chickened out at the very last second. (something about spinning in dark, enclosed spaces with G forces made us change our minds)
Carlos came with us and made everything twice the fun. : )

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