"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

August 17, 2007

His Faithfulness

I know that my last post was a testimony, but this one is too good not to post!

As I was working at the registration desk at VBS, my friend came up and said:
"God healed her! God totally healed her." She had tears in her eyes.

She was referring to a 12 yrs. old girl named K. She is very petite and hearing impaired.

Here's the story:

K comes to children's church and she and her sister ask for prayer every week that she be healed. My friend prayed for her many times. Her little sister would pray even more earnestly for K than she did for herself. Her prayer was that K could walk and play. The doctors said that she would always have Lupus.

Well, she's been out of her wheel chair for awhile now...

When my friend saw her at VBS, she asked her how she was feeling. K's happy mom, said "Tell
her." And K said "The doctor said there is no more trace of Lupus in my body!!!" Hallelujah!

And there she was helping at VBS and she ended up being in my group. I had the privilege of talking to her one night. She is the sweetest girl! She's excellent at reading lips.
She has one more request.
Her hearing. There is an upcoming surgery that they believe will fix her hearing. Or of course, God can do it. K is going to be in my prayers about this! Meeting her was the highlight of my week.
He is faithful!

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