"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

April 9, 2013

Painting and decorating

Here's what your daughter paints when she's been watching too many episodes of Shark Week:

I had a chance to take some pictures of the paintings that she's kept and I love them all.
 (well, the shark one might creep me out a little) ; )

My favorite is the sailboat in the right hand corner. It is gorgeous up close.

She painted this scene to look like a black and white photo and it is my second fave:

This is her Lord of the Rings painting and the details are amazing even though you can't see them in this photo:

And when she isn't painting, she's playing softball (and hit another home run this week that hit the fence! Whoo-hoo!) 
or she's practicing for her internship at the bakery. Gotta love a Styrofoam cake.

We thankfully have tips galore and they were actually her great-grandmother's.
I'm guessing she took a class and needed to be able to tell her tips apart from other people's because some of them have nail polished 'M's" on them for Marie. (which makes them more special)
We also have some of her cake pans and CANVAS decorating bags, which happen to be the hardest things to clean.EVER.
So, I did a happy dance in Michaels the other day when we found these:
 Disposable cake decorating bags. Who knew they made these?! Utter awesomeness! : ) 

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