"Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord." Psalm 128:3
December 29, 2008
Is my Mii fit or fat?
We were so excited and the kiddos started playing it every spare minute.
(one of them who doesn't have any extra on him, lost 6 pounds!)
We really think it's fun. It's a great way to do home school p.e. and all without leaving the house! Whoo-hoo!
I think this must have been an optical illusion or something, but the kids were just sure that since my hubby and I hadn't played it often enough,
our Miis were gaining weight.
So, everyday I would have to hear about how my Mii looked fatter!
Oh, good grief! Talk about incentive!-I don't think that really happens... Does it?
Well, I am trying to play it more often. No one has mentioned my that my Mii looks thinner though, so I don't think that's a reality. I lost three pounds which was fun.
It says that I'm not overweight but that I would be healthier if I lost 9 pounds. Now, wouldn't that be nice...
Running really gets your heart rate up. And I think it's annoying when that guy you are supposed to follow keeps looking back at you if you slow down, like 'what happened to you?!' So, that makes me want to keep up. I haven't had any of the other games really get my heart rate going yet but then I haven't explored or unlocked very many things yet either. Do you have a favorite game?
What I've decided Wii Fit does best, is give you exercise in HUMILITY! Ugh!
Here's why:
~It says that I have the balancing skills of a 55 year old! (there's an ego booster since I am no where near age 55!)
~My Mii is constantly hanging her head in shame when I ski! Good thing my hubby has never taken me skiing!
~It reminded me today to watch out for afternoon SNACKS just after I'd pigged out on spiced walnuts, which are one of my favorite things to make at Christmastime. Was that a coincidence???
~And to top it off, my hula hooping skills had my children howling with laughter and video taping me against my wishes.
They showed it to my hubby at dinner, who did more laughing...
So, my afternoon snack plan for tomorrow will be humble pie (aka Wii Fit) instead of the spiced walnuts....
But I'm not hula hooping again unless I'm the only one home! ; )
December 27, 2008
More praise...
Another amazing thing happened for the sweater hat ministry! (Hats of Hope)
If you don't know what I'm talking about you can check this post and then this post.
This was amazing!!!
I was at my hubby's company's Christmas party chatting with some ladies and one of them started sharing with us about her mom who has Alzheimer's disease.
She is in a home care facility now and this woman needs to clean out her house. It will be quite the undertaking because she said her mom has not thrown anything away in 60 years or so...
She told us how the house is so full of stuff that is hardly room to walk.
And then she said
"The YARN!!! You would not believe how much yarn my mother has. She would buy it and then forget she'd bought it and then buy some more."
~My eyes were popping out, I'm sure because just the day before that, I had been praying about our group's need for LOTS and lots of yarn!
Then she started describing HOW MUCH yarn and I was really blown away.
Tons of 50 gallon trash bags full of new yarn!!!!!!!!!
~This is where I waved my hand and said "I'll take it! I'm starting a ministry to make sweater hats for missionaries." And everyone just looked at me.
It was wild.
What a God thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She wanted to know where I would keep all that yarn and I drew a blank because I have a small house and my two attics are full...but guess what? When I told my friend who is hosting our group about the 'yarn miracle' she said she has plenty of storage space. And I decided that is yet another miracle. (or at least it seems like it if your house is small and you've always been storage challenged. LOL!)
I imagine that her yarn is the regular kind, and we need the thick kind, but if HE obviously must have sent us this, so there's got to be a way that it can work. We can probably just put two strands together....or maybe three strands.
So, that's the latest news and it was exciting!
December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Over the years God intertwined our hearts, lives and families together in a really remarkable way.
This week we heard the wonderful news that this man surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ in a nearby church!!!
We saw him today and we were blessed to hug his neck and hear his story. WOW!!!!
God is awesome!
Many people 'plant' and many people 'water' and God does bring 'the increase' so don't stop praying for those who need Him!
What a glorious Christmas! This one will always be special to me for this very reason.
December 24, 2008
Christmas photo project

In fact, I know it is...
December 18, 2008
Gingerbread mansions
~We are getting together again this year. I'll let you know if we build or blow up anything! LOL! : )
This past weekend we had the H Family over, which is always great fun. This year we all decorated our own dessert. I made the lollipop cookies that we had at Joy's polka dot birthday party.
~This turned out to be really easy and not very messy.
~Nothing like what we did together last year!
Here's the story:
The H Family are quite an experienced gingerbread making family and they used to do the whole thing from scratch. (lots of work!) This intrigued my hubby who wanted to try an easier version that both our families could do together.
I found this in Martha's magazine and it seemed simple and fun. Ya know, no baking involved. whoo-hoo!

Well, Martha calls these "cottages." It's funny now, to see the word "cottage." Because I didn't notice that last year on the directions and when our two families got together, "Cottages" were NOT what anybody had in mind. I wish I would have known that they were thinking of gingerbread mansions!
And let's just say that graham crackers and frosting did not hold this thing together...
But more on that later.
First of all, it wasn't like our BOYS were all that into the idea of even making gingerbread houses. But the H Family changed their mind about this being a girly endeavor because they said that after New Year's they take their gingerbread houses outside and
How cool is that!? They do it with b-b guns and bottle rockets. Now,that was something that our boys could get into, and so that is how we got them to build them in the first place. : )
Carlos came over that night too and he kept joking under his breath about how 'gay' it was to build gingerbread houses. But the funny part was, that once we got him started building one, he was TOTALLY into it.
It was hilarious.
He wasn't going to have a "cottage" or anything small. It was going to be the biggest and the best. It became one testosterone charged event...at least in the living room where he was. : )
The kids had the best time and they literally sat at the kitchen table and created for two solid hours.
My hubby ended up making a couple of trips to P*blix because we discovered that store brand graham crackers would crumble and that only the name brand ones worked. And our whole house looked like a bakery exploded in it. : )
Then Carlos, who was determined to win our little contest (which we'd roped our neighbor into judging) sent Zachary to the shed to get
Oh mercy! I decided not to worry that I had powdered sugar everywhere and might be about to have dry wall mud on top of all that! ~But, he didn't spill a drop!
With that dry wall mud, he and Zach built their cute, huge mega church:

Aren't these cute?

After New Year's, we had a 'blowing up event' but that doggone Raid had made them too soggy. (my bad) So, all the b-b's just sunk inside the houses and did not give my boys the thrills that they'd expected. The bottle rockets didn't even dent them.
So, if you ever make gingerbread cottages/houses/mansions
and plan to blow them up afterwards,
don't spray them with Raid. And be really careful with the dry wall mud! ; )
December 17, 2008
Disney for Dad's B. day

We like to save the tickets to use in December because we LOVE the Christmas lights displays! We like to go on my hubby's birthday since he is given that day off of work and it's a school day so the crowds are not as large.
We chose to go to MGM again (now known as Hollywood Studios) because we had such a blast last year.We also did our theme park "economy style" thing again. It's like a game. We go and try to spend as little as possible. This year we spent $12.00 to park and $15.00 for ice-cream bars...and that was it.
Anyway, here's some fun pictures. We invited Carlos, my hubby's best friend.

If we did have to pay our way in the park, then we would feel like the Fantasmic Show was totally worth the price of the tickets!
December 15, 2008
December 13, 2008
Blessed by Joy

December 11, 2008
The sweater hat ministry is on its way!
The Lord is really putting this hat ministry group together! It's so exciting. I could hardly sleep the other night because I was so excited about everything! (-I'm weird like that!) : )
The group is going to be apart of the small groups ministry of our church. We'll meet twice a month for 12 weeks (8 times) starting in January.
The heart of the leadership at our church is that the small groups be evangelistic in nature and held in homes so that people who wouldn't come to a church would feel comfortable coming to someone's house. I was a little stumped when I found out that we couldn't hold it at the building because we live a good distance away and asking people to drive that far would be hard.
Then my friend who lives very close to the church volunteered her lovely home!!! I am so grateful!
Yesterday, I went to Michael's and I found that they have the Knifty Knitter on sale for
50% OFF!!!! I think I stood in shock in the aisle for several minutes! : )
What a blessing!
So, I was able to by several sets to get our group started! Isn't God good?
(if you've thought about buying one, you might check and see if they are still on sale. $6.00 is an incredible price!)
Now, the group needs a name.
Right now, we are thinking of Hats of Hope. -Everything else seems to be rather corny. Let me know if you have any suggestions! I'd love to hear them.
I received another email today from a missionary in Uganda who could use some hats for the pigmys living in the mountains...
The pictures of the children in need....
Oh my goodness! They made me want to sit down and knit my heart out! Wow!
I can't wait for our group to get started!
I better run.
It is someone very special's birthday today!!!
December 8, 2008
What I'm excited about:
The next thing I'm excited about is a project where Joy and I can do some knitting for Jesus! What fun!
~My hubby had this excellent idea: He thought we should find a ministry that could use these sweater hats that I'm enjoying knitting lately. I contacted the God's Share Program and I found out that there are missionaries who could really use sweater hats! Hooray!
So, I'm thinking about starting a group for girls and having a knitting circle. (Is that right? A sewing bee and a knitting circle?)
I'm excited and I think it will be so much fun!
Joy used the Knifty Knitter today to make an infant hat for our friends who just had a baby boy and

I love that it is so easy and fun to do. I think girls as young as 6 or 7 can do it. Loom knitting is SO much easier than knitting with needles.
With one set we can make 4 hats. (one for an infant, a child and two adult sizes) I just need to buy more of the purple picks and I found out that those are pretty cheap.
So, with three Knifty Knitter sets we can make 12 hats at once in about an hour or so which would be really great!
I think I'll just need to have everyone bring their own yarn.
(We can make two or three hats a skein depending on the size...) Maybe we can get a craft store to give us a discount on yarn... Wouldn't that be great?!
There are missionaries in South Dakota and in a couple of countries in South Africa who would be so glad to receive these! Isn't that exciting?!
I'll let you know how it goes...
~And 'hello' and hugs to my inspiring aunt who has a ministry crocheting blankets for hospice patients. How awesome is that?! ~Glad I'm not the only one in the family with a
yarn obsession. ; )
December 5, 2008
Our crafty craze!

I'm into knitting

December 3, 2008
Earnestly praying...

Here is a picture of them at their wedding!
They were the cutest and giddiest newlyweds I'd ever seen. They've been happily traveling, gardening and enjoying themselves for the last couple of years...
Then the other day Anita went in for routine outpatient surgery and something went wrong. Today she is in ICU with internal bleeding...
November 27, 2008
"Mom, are you going to laminate the turkey before you cook it?" : )

Our tradition is to invite bachelors over for Thanksgiving dinner since all our family members are so far away.
All the food turned out well. Hooray!
November 26, 2008
Thanking God
"Suppose for a moment that God began taking from us the many things for which
we have failed to give thanks.
Which of our limbs and faculties would be left?
Would I still have my hands and my mind?
And what about loved ones?
If God were to take from me all those persons and things
for which I have not given thanks,
who or what would be left of me?" ~Patrick Henry Reardon
Isn't that an awesome quote?! I hope to keep this in mind all year long. : )
Have a wonderful day giving thanks!
P.S. My blogging break is ending sooner than I planned. My family wants me to get back to it! : )
November 17, 2008
Popping back in ....

November 13, 2008
New season
November 11, 2008

one of the other men decided he wanted his haircut too.
November 10, 2008
All things crafty

November 6, 2008
Great Christmas reading!

I thought I would tell you about some of our favorite Christmas books because if you'd like to read them
then you have to plan ahead!

You also need some candles... It's all about the candles. : )
-Which is great fun if you are a candle fanatic anyway, and I am!
We got started reading these because so many of our homeschooling friends were raving about them. This was 6 or 7 years ago, I'd say. And here I am still raving about them.
The first one in the series is this one:

and in my family's opinion, it was the best. We were often left on the edge of our seats wishing we could read ahead...
The story led to some really great spiritual discussions!
Sometimes it was a little too exciting for a very young Andrew and Joy, who spent a couple of the nights in their room playing but would always rush back in to be apart of having the privilege of blowing out the candles...
The story would end on Christmas morning having given you a unique look at the birth of our Savior.
We have lots of fond memories of our times reading these books, except the time that little Andrew blew the candles out so hard that the hot wax flew up in his little face. SO SAD! : (
Every year we wish there were more books in this series...
But since there are not, we keep the traditions we made because of them.
We read a book aloud by candle light every night of the season that we can,
while eating a Christmasy snack or drink using our china dishes.
I got started using the china as a way of letting the kids know what a special season it is as we remember the Lord and as a way to remind them of how special I think they are.
Little ones and china were risky but we amazingly enough never broke any dishes. (just chipped a few and I think they look all the more special now!)
Here we are coming up on another wonderful season of Christmas and I'm at a loss as to what to read this year.
Any suggestions?
What are your favorite Christmas books? I know what I'll be serving though, lots of eggnog! : )
November 4, 2008
November 1, 2008
Do a "small something!"

October 30, 2008
Our favorite soup
~But even if we don't have company, I always double this recipe because if I didn't my gang would be mighty sad. Enjoy! If you make it, call us and we'll come over and help you eat it! ; )
Tortilla Soup
1 med. onion chopped
1 jalapeno pepper seeded and diced
2 cloves of garlic minced
2 lbs. beef chuck cut into small cubes
3 T. oil
28 oz. can of Mexican Tomatoes with chilies (Rotel)
1 can beef broth
1 can condensed tomato soup
1 can chicken broth
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
1-3 t. Tabasco sauce
1 T. ground cumin
1 T. chili powder
1 T. salt
1/4 tsp. lemon pepper seasoning
6 corn tortillas cut into 1 inch squares
grated cheese
Cook onion, jalapeno, garlic and beef cubes in oil. Add tomato soup, both broths, tomatoes and one and a half cans of water. Add all seasonings. Bring to a boil. Then simmer uncovered for 50 minutes. Then add the tortillas and cook for 10 more minutes. Serve with grated cheese. (we also like it with sour cream).
October 29, 2008
The Souptacular

Its the season for soup! I can't believe it was 39 degrees here this morning. In FLORDIA in October! Amazing!!!
Bring on the Souptacular! I need some new, yummy soup recipes! And I'll post our family's favorite!
October 26, 2008
Leading boys

A new project

But he is going to make something similar to this: