"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

November 10, 2008

All things crafty

Who knew that you could make something so cute out of cut up sweaters?! Aren't those the cutest pincushions you've ever seen? Joy says they really beat that "old tomato we have." LOL

I found Betz White's book at Michael's the other day and thought everything was so adorable. I thought she made these things out of felt but after checking it out at our library I found out that she uses 'felted wool.' There's a process you do to wool sweaters in your washer and when you are done, they are 'felted' and will not unravel when you cut them up. Pretty neat!

Her book is full of cute ideas! She suggests finding wool sweaters at thrift stores, which is what I will have to do if I make one since I only found one wool sweater in my closet. (maybe because we live in Florida!)

So, if you have some old wool sweaters you may want to give this a try!
Her website is http://www.betzwhite.com/ and her etsy site, if you'd just like to buy one of those cute cupcakes is http://www.betzwhite.etsy.com/.

My sweet knitting buddy and I have been having fun chatting and knitting together. But I think two boys I know just might 'die' if they have to spend anymore time in the yarn aisle at Michael's. ; )

It's scarf-mania here since that's all we know how to make.
Now don't look too close....or you'll see all kinds of mistakes.

I did this one with the really big needles. (size 17) It was fun.

I made this fuzzy, soft one for Joy. Fuzzy yarn is my friend!!! -It hides all those mistakes. Love it!

I'm doing one now with a cute yarn that reminds me of my sister...so even though it isn't cold where she lives, ; )
this is for her.

I haven't finished the quilt for my little namesake, but here is what I have done so far:

My hubby says it reminds him of Bask*n Robbins. Is that good or bad? ; )



Susan said...

It looks great. I love the colors that you picked. You could sell this in a store and people would jump at it. I know she will love it when it is finished.

Jamie said...

You are the craftiest person I know!! Wish I was good at that stuff!! Looks awesome!