"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 13, 2013

Wednesdays in the Word

For the month of February,
our church family is reading one chapter in the book of Proverbs a day, praying for 5 people who aren't saved and fasting something.
(I gave up Facebook and my Hubby gave up sugar)

Here are some awesome snippets of verses about 'the righteous' that encouraged me the last couple of days from Proverbs 11 and 12: 

"The righteous is delivered from trouble and it comes to the wicked instead."

"He who sows righteousness will have a sure reward."

"The righteous will flourish like foliage." 

"No grave trouble shall overtake the righteous..."

"The wicked is ensnared by the transgression of his lips, but the righteous will come through trouble."

Aren't you glad that we are "the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus?!' 

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21


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