"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

March 14, 2012

Wednesdays in the Word

Joy and I are reading Kisses from Katie.
Wow! Love this girl! Love her devotion to the Lord!
 At the age of 19, she "quit her life" and left behind her family, friends, yellow convertible, boyfriend and the opportunity to go to any college she chose,
to obey the Lord and live and LOVE in Uganda.

Tell me if this doesn't touch you too:

"I can't really explain in words the love I felt for these children or why I felt it. I think many people would have looked at them and seen only their filthy clothes, the ringworm on their heads, or the mucus that ended up in a crust around their nostrils. They would have looked around at the dormitories of the orphanage with its smooth, hard cement floor where rats and cockroaches made themselves at home and been a bit disgusted. By the grace of God, though, I didn't see these things. The truth is, I saw myself in those little faces. I looked at them and felt this love that was unimaginable and knew that this is the way God sees me. The children would run to me with gifts of stones or dirt and I saw myself, filthy and broken, offering my life to the God of the universe and begging Him to make it into something beautiful. I sit here in a broken world, small and dirty at His feet and He who sits so high chooses to commune with me, to love me anyway. He blinds Himself to my sin and filth so that He can forge a relationship with me. And this is what He did for me with these precious children. He blinded me to the filth and disease, and I saw only children hungry for love that I was eager to share with them. I adored them, not because of who I was, but because of who He is." ~Katie Davis


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