"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 25, 2011

A new favorite

I love Sweet Tomatoes! And if you live in California, then it is the Soup Plantation!
Now that our kids are too old for the kids discount we hardly ever go, except maybe on Mother's Day. : ) hint hint.
Anyway, Zac and I happen to both love their TUNA TARRAGON (Yummo) and we found a recipe for it online. It tastes just like the Sweet Tomatoes version and he's made it a couple times now.
Heavenly! We love it!

The secret ingredient ...drum roll please....is the sweet pickle juice! Who knew!

In other news, my boys actually corrected me on something to do with my knowledge of Jane Austen movies. Who would've thought!?
Especially since I've seen lots of versions several times (yes, and amen!) and they've survived through one a piece at most.
Anyway, I think I can say that boys who can: cook, know their chick flicks and love to worship the Lord, are going to make a good catch one day!

(but not anytime soon!)
Amen, glory, glory! ; )



Mrs. M said...

I always told my boys that the day they married I was going to talk to their wife and tell her that he knows how to clean a toilet ... how to make scrambled eggs, spaghetti, pancakes and (of all things) salmon cakes ... and he knows the difference between roses and daisies ... so if he fails, it is not because he has not been trained properly.

Becky said...

Trained very properly, I'd say! : )