"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

January 30, 2008

Wednesdays in the Word

I really love Psalm 128 which is where the title for this blog comes from.

Here's what I love about it:

Verse one tell us that
everyone who fears the Lord and walks in His ways, will be blessed
and then we found out how they are blessed in the verses that follow:
~In getting to enjoy the fruit of their labor.

~In being "happy" and having things go well with you. Gotta love that!

~In having a "fruitful wife" who is "in the very heart of your house." What a wonderful position we wives have, at the heart of our homes. And being fruitful reminds me of the verse that says "A wise woman builds her house but the foolish pulls it down with her hands." Prov.14:1
~ In having children "like olive plants all around your table." I love that, 'all around part!' "Happy is the man who has the quiver full of them." Ps. 127:5
What a precious time in life it is to be raising those "plants" that are all around our table. We are teaching, training them for their future destinies in the kingdom of God. Olive trees are so majestic, full of fruit bearing potential, useful, beautiful and expensive!
We have olive plants around our tables now, but one day, they will go out into to the world as these:

What a privilege we have to raise them!

Psalm 128 concludes with "THUS, shall the the man be blessed who fears the Lord."
And then as if it's icing on the cake,
the very last verse says "Yes, may you see your children's children." Woohoo! Will that ever be fun! Can I get an 'Amen' from the grandparents out there? : )



Unknown said...

What a sweet, sweet post. I love the pictures so much and the image of olive plants. I am an artist/calligrapher and I did that verse with a drawing of a quiver full of arrows. It's one of my favorites!

Susan said...

This was wnderful. I do feel so priviledged to have so many blessings from the Lord and I pray that he will continue to bless us with many more.

I say Amen to the Grandchildren I can't wait to see my children's children. What a blessing that will be.