"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 17, 2015

What are you called to do?

This bit of awesomeness is from Beth Moore's new book Audacious, and it is way too good not to share.
"When the blood in your veins runs hot with holy affection for the living Christ, what do you want to do most? Paul put it this way: Christ's love compels us.
When Christ's love invades every cell in your body, what are you compelled to do?
The follow-up question is critical. The answer to it is where the rubber meets the road, where dreams become realities and destinies that defy gravity finally get fulfilled.
 This is it: What would it take to do it? You answer those two questions: What are you most compelled by the love of Christ to do? And what would it take to do it? -Then identify one first step toward that direction, and, C
hild, you will find the next place to plant your foot on your divinely planned path. Don't tell me you're too young. Don't tell me you're too old. Don't tell me you're too busy. Get to it. Nobody but you can do it."


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