"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 14, 2015

Birthday celebration

Nate chose to have his birthday dinner at a retro pizza place in our neighborhood,
 and when I saw this,,,,
I may have squealed and went digging in my purse for quarters! 
I had fun impressing my kids with my long dormat
 Ms. Pac Man skills! 
They were like "Whoa, Mom has strategy!" 

-Why, yes! Yes, I do! I spent a good part of my teen years working on it because that is all there was to do. ; ) 

Then we sat down, and the menus were taped to the back of  album covers and mine was....

Duran Duran! 
My teen favorite! It was like 80's night!

We ate deep dish pizza and calzones with these great friends  
and then we headed back to our house for donuts, hot chocolate and a bon-fire. It wasn't really cold enough for those things but you just have to fake it in FL sometimes! : ) 

Then we went to for a drive to a lake (that is more like a pond) that has a great lights display every year. We all split up into two cars and Nate was one of the people in mine, when a family from CA called to facetime him and sing him Happy Birthday. So sweet!
They jokingly asked if he was going out drinking and we all laughed. His answer was "No, I'm in the car with my mom driving around looking at Christmas lights." LOL
Party on! ; )


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