"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

April 29, 2015

A crazy Wednesdays in the Word

I wish I had a Bible study to share today, but I don't
because the craziest happened...
but it does involve the Word. : )

Apparently, I wasn't very wide awake when I did laundry this morning and I WASHED A BIBLE!

How does that happen?!
We figured out that a certain son had it on his bunk bed last night and dropped it into his laundry basket below when he was done with it, then I tipped the whole basket into the washer this morning! Ahhh!
Somehow I noticed a pair of jeans with money in them but not an ENTIRE BIBLE, go figure!!!

Hubby called as the shock was wearing off and I was starting to clean up a million pieces of the WORD.

He is so funny!
He said:
"This gives a whole new meaning to
  "washing of the water by the word." Eph. 5:26

And "Papier-mache anyone?!"

Papier-mache indeed!

One of the kids looked at their jeans and said "I don't think I can ever wear these again. They are covered in the Psalms." ; )

To quote one of the boys: "RIP NIV."
What a morning!


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