"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

April 28, 2015

Happy Birthday to Andy

Andrew is 16 today! We celebrated with a family party on Saturday after he and Joy got back from Busch Gardens

and then he and Zac headed off to a Copeland concert!!!
 It may have been the fastest birthday party ever, but it was the only time we could get everyone together! : )

He got that electric guitar pedal he wanted! Yay!

And we did an Andrew word search!

-And since Tiffany was working, Hubby joked that someone else had the chance of winning! LOL  (that girl can do a word search in no time flat!) ; )

And we answered these questions:
What was our earliest memory of Andy? 
What Christ-like qualities does he have?
What skill or quality of his, do you wish you had? 
The great thing about having to write these things down and read them out loud, is that the birthday person ends up hearing some really sweet things about himself from his siblings that he may not usually! ; ) 

Hubby actually felt able to try standing at the grill and making everyone's favorite chicken! Hooray!

 We are so thankful for Andrew! He is such a kind and compassionate guy and has such a heart for God and his kingdom! I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for his life.
 Happy Birthday, Roo! You care for us and keep us laughing! We love you!


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