"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 3, 2014

Cali fun

Since I'm an introvert, who obsessed over how many books I could actually carry in my carry on, I was as surprised as could be that I pretty much chatted all the way to LA. God had some divine appointments in store instead and I had one heavy carry on.
When I landed, I was picked up by Nathan and my bestie and her family and whisked off to the nearest In and Out. Yummm!! -These Californians use ice berg lettuce as buns!
Then we hiked up to an observatory on a mountain overlooking LA. It was a beautifully clear night so there were hundreds of people there with the same idea. The moon was just a sliver of a crescent and looked amazing in the telescope. The city looked beautiful. Inside, I found out how much I would weigh on each of the planets. We headed home afterwards and my brain thought it was 11:30 and my eyelids wouldn't stay open any longer.
I was up at 5:00 AM and then there was a major mishap with a dog putting a bone into the toilet, which I wont go into.
I enjoyed worshiping at Nathan's church and meeting his church family. It blessed this momma's heart to hear people tell me over and over how much they love my son, what a blessing he is to the youth and how well we raised him. PTL
We had a lovely lunch and then got busy preparing some Super Bowl food. The kids opted to watch from home instead of going to any parties. It was weird to have it start at 3:30 PM. I managed to stay awake until a whopping 7:00PM. LOL Aren't I a fun house guest!? ;)
Better run.~Becky

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