"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

July 12, 2013

Waving herbs and eating dirt

My dear, sweet Hubby injured his knee at work a few weeks ago and then, somehow in overcompensating to help it, he sprained the ankle on his other leg!
Bless his heart!
It has been a rough couple of weeks!
Thankfully, God is using our chiropractor to do amazing things to help with both his knee and ankle. He walks into the office limping and comes out walking! Hooray! I'm guessing, he's not your run-of-the-mill chiropractor since yesterday he waved some bad smelling burning Chinese herbs over Hubby's ankle.
(that's a little weird, huh?)
And maybe weirder still, is the fact that to help Hubby's joints, we've both started eating DIRT or to be more exact Diatomaceous earth! (not that me taking it will help him in any way)  ; )
All I could think of when the lady at the health food store suggested he start taking it (and some other herbs) for his knee, was Gen. 3:18
 "...For you are dust, And to dust you shall return." LOL! So, I guess we might as well eat it! But technically DE is the "fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae." So, not really dirt, I guess.
I can't say that I felt completely comfortable buying something to swallow that is sold in an unmarked container in the pet and garden section of the store! Really weird! Or maybe not, since it can be used as an insecticide!
But if you take it orally in slow doses over many, many weeks, the silica in it will help with pain in your joints,  grow your hair and nails and take away acne. It will also lower blood pressure and cholesterol, cleanse your colon and rid your body of toxins and parasites of all kinds. It also eliminates heavy metals and yeast from your body and helps with symptoms of menopause and gives you more energy. (those are the biggies that I remember but if you do your own research, you'll find even more benefits to taking it than these. You start to wonder what it doesn't do?)

And speaking of dirt ; )
Joy just grew her first jalapeno which was promptly diced up and thrown in the crock pot with tonight's dinner. We just got back from Home Depot where they were having a sale on 1 gallon veggie plants. Literally it was only a dollar more to buy the plants than a pack of seeds. Hallelujah for a head start! : )
She wanted a habanero pepper plant (she takes after Dad and likes all things spicy) and a tomato plant. She loves to spend time gardening every day. Her Grandmum would be proud. (and come to think of it, if she would have been totally down with the crazy waving of the burning Chinese herbs) LOL

*Edited to Note: this is food grade Diatomaceous Earth : ) 

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