"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

July 24, 2010

Guys and Home Depot

It has been a quiet day around our house after a crazy, fun week of company and VBS!
My hubby and I decided to run errands together today since we didn't see each other much. (he only came to the last night of VBS) So, it was not exactly a date, but still fun to be together.

One of our stops was the Home Depot. Apparently, my hubby likes it in there because after we got our items, I was totally ready to head to the check out. (those guys in the plumbing aisle were in need of a shower!)

He said:
"You are ready to go?! But this is Home Depot, Babe! It is like Borders to a guy!"
I guess he wanted to linger awhile longer. : )


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