"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

April 17, 2009

Days with Dad

In years past my hubby has had a routine of taking each of the kids camping alone with him to spend some good one-on-one time with them.
But this year, the prices of our favorite campground have gone up and so we decided to change things up a bit. ~Because who wants to pay an arm and a leg to go and rough it? ; )

So, instead of 'camping with Dad,' we are doing a 'day with Dad' this year.
We have the calendar all marked for the year of who is going out with him and when.
It is a shorter amount of time than the camping trip but the kids are enjoying it anyway. They like the aspect of planning what they get to do with him. I love to hear them talking about it weeks in advance.

The day usually starts early...(Dad is one early riser)
He makes that person breakfast and then they head out for the day to do whatever they have planned. ~They always come back tired and happy.
Last month Joy had her day. She chose to go fishing!

When asked if they caught anything, my hubby said 'Yes.' And I got excited. But then I thought 'EWW! What did they do with it?' Because I knew they went to the movies after fishing...
Then he added:
"We caught
a very good day."
Ahhhh! : ) That's better than FISH!

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