"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

April 4, 2016

Sent back with love

Nathan flew back to California on Friday. But before that there was a mandatory family wiffle ball game,

 pizza and lots of hugging!

He's the guy who sings through the house at the top of his lungs and who stays up til 2:00 or 3:00 AM because he can. He rarely plans ahead but is never stressed. He is the guy behind the camera and rarely in the photos. He is a visionary. He is always passionate about something and it is contagious. He always hugs me when he walks by and tells me he loves me several times a day. He's cheered me on through every hurdle I've had to face since Hubby's passing and I'm grateful!
As you can imagine, we are going to miss him like crazy!


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