So, I got pretty excited about the people who lived in Gennesaret, this morning! ~How weird does that sound? ; ) Their story is in Matthew 14.
Peter had just had his walking on water experience which rightfully blew the disciples' minds and they worshiped Jesus right there in the boat and then crossed over the sea to the land of Gennesearet.
"And when the men of that place recognized Him,
they sent out into all that surrounding region,
and brought to Him all who were sick,'
What compassionate, faith-filled men! -I know some people like that! And they are daily bringing my dear Hubby before Jesus, in prayer. : )
"and they begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment."
They didn't come demanding that He lay hands on and pray over each and every one of them. They just asked for the chance to touch His clothing as He walked by. So humble!
I wonder if they had heard about the woman with the issue of blood who was healed when she did the very same thing.
I wonder if they had heard that He said to the centurion "Go! Let it be done just as you believe it will." Mt. 8:13
I wonder if they knew that He had said "According to your faith let it be done to you." Mt. 9:29
to the blind men.
Whether they knew those things or not,
"as many as touched it (the hem) were made PERFECTLY WELL."
And I really LOVE that!
"Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord." Psalm 128:3
"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley
September 30, 2015
September 29, 2015
This and that
I read this quote the other day and I love it.
"Marriage is like jumping off a tall building and discovering you can fly."
So, I had to text it to my favorite newlyweds:
I picked them up at 11:30 PM last Sunday night at the airport. On Monday night we had a get together with Tiffany's parents, who brought Chinese food over, and we all looked at their honeymoon photos! So fun! AND so good to have them back!
They had a blast! Their cruise went to Peurto Rico, St. Kits and St. Marteen.
Other big news:
Andrew is now employed! Whoo-hoo!
A dear friend from church got him a job working for a florist!
How cool is that?! He trims the flowers, strips off the thorns and washes out the buckets etc...
And he makes quite a bit more than minimum wage. Every teen's dream! : )
Hubby has had a rough go of things since the last chemo treatment, but he is just now starting to bounce back. Yay!
Nathan's job is going well. He is editing videos for an evangelist who has a show on God TV which is viewed in 90 countries! Exciting stuff! He edits best at night, so he's pretty much nocturnal now. ; ) (except for Sundays) So glad to have him here!
This is an awesome story about a very brave young woman who gave up everything to follow Christ.
I read it while Hubby was in the hospital. Very encouraging!
That's it. Not much happening here just now except for caring for my sweet man!
"Marriage is like jumping off a tall building and discovering you can fly."
So, I had to text it to my favorite newlyweds:
I picked them up at 11:30 PM last Sunday night at the airport. On Monday night we had a get together with Tiffany's parents, who brought Chinese food over, and we all looked at their honeymoon photos! So fun! AND so good to have them back!
They had a blast! Their cruise went to Peurto Rico, St. Kits and St. Marteen.
Other big news:
Andrew is now employed! Whoo-hoo!
A dear friend from church got him a job working for a florist!
How cool is that?! He trims the flowers, strips off the thorns and washes out the buckets etc...
And he makes quite a bit more than minimum wage. Every teen's dream! : )
Hubby has had a rough go of things since the last chemo treatment, but he is just now starting to bounce back. Yay!
Nathan's job is going well. He is editing videos for an evangelist who has a show on God TV which is viewed in 90 countries! Exciting stuff! He edits best at night, so he's pretty much nocturnal now. ; ) (except for Sundays) So glad to have him here!
This is an awesome story about a very brave young woman who gave up everything to follow Christ.
I read it while Hubby was in the hospital. Very encouraging!
That's it. Not much happening here just now except for caring for my sweet man!
September 25, 2015
Update on my precious man
When we found out that the cancer was back, Hubby got started with chemo right away. He had his first treatment two weeks before Zac's wedding.
Honestly, the oncologist did not offer much hope...
And we were OK with that, because God is and has always been our HOPE. : )
We were grateful he would have time to recover before the wedding. And the nurse said that he wouldn't start to loose his hair until afterwards.
Which did happen, the VERY day after the wedding!!!
The precious men that he works with, who are big, burly construction workers, set a date to pray and fast for him to have the strength to enjoy the wedding. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?
They planned their fast for Thursday, thinking that the wedding was Saturday. But unbeknownst to them, the wedding was on Thursday evening, the day they had chosen!
And there prayers were certainly answered.
He felt great until about 10:30 PM! It was amazing!
He had his second chemo treatment last Friday. (they are 5 hours long!) Before it took place, he had the strength to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday! His favorite thing to do, right now, (if you don't count church) is to go and see a movie. He can walk into the theater and sit down before he gets too worn out. He is not a fan of the wheelchair and never wants to use it. -That may have a little bit to do with the driver though. ; )
I went hat shopping for him the other day, but he's decided that he would rather rock the bald look. ; )
He and Andrew are sharing clothes now. That is how THIN he is, bless his heart. -It is hard to fatten up a guy who only has a part of a stomach. But I'm trying!
We are suppose to keep his exposure to germs at a minimum. He was suppose to only fist bump people at the wedding, but they ignored his fist and grabbed him into big hugs. : ) Hard to resist!
Thankfully, his blood work is excellent! And the CAT scan he had recently showed that there is no cancer anywhere else in his body. PTL!!! We were with the oncologist when he saw the scan for the first time. He was actually surprised at how good it looked. He said that Hubby just needs to eat some ice cream (to put on some weight) and have some more chemo.
One more treatment to go.
Keep him in your prayers. He's been feeling pretty crummy lately. Thanks!
Love and hugs,
Honestly, the oncologist did not offer much hope...
And we were OK with that, because God is and has always been our HOPE. : )
We were grateful he would have time to recover before the wedding. And the nurse said that he wouldn't start to loose his hair until afterwards.
Which did happen, the VERY day after the wedding!!!
The precious men that he works with, who are big, burly construction workers, set a date to pray and fast for him to have the strength to enjoy the wedding. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?
They planned their fast for Thursday, thinking that the wedding was Saturday. But unbeknownst to them, the wedding was on Thursday evening, the day they had chosen!
And there prayers were certainly answered.
He felt great until about 10:30 PM! It was amazing!
He had his second chemo treatment last Friday. (they are 5 hours long!) Before it took place, he had the strength to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday! His favorite thing to do, right now, (if you don't count church) is to go and see a movie. He can walk into the theater and sit down before he gets too worn out. He is not a fan of the wheelchair and never wants to use it. -That may have a little bit to do with the driver though. ; )
I went hat shopping for him the other day, but he's decided that he would rather rock the bald look. ; )
He and Andrew are sharing clothes now. That is how THIN he is, bless his heart. -It is hard to fatten up a guy who only has a part of a stomach. But I'm trying!
We are suppose to keep his exposure to germs at a minimum. He was suppose to only fist bump people at the wedding, but they ignored his fist and grabbed him into big hugs. : ) Hard to resist!
Thankfully, his blood work is excellent! And the CAT scan he had recently showed that there is no cancer anywhere else in his body. PTL!!! We were with the oncologist when he saw the scan for the first time. He was actually surprised at how good it looked. He said that Hubby just needs to eat some ice cream (to put on some weight) and have some more chemo.
One more treatment to go.
Keep him in your prayers. He's been feeling pretty crummy lately. Thanks!
Love and hugs,
September 24, 2015
Rage to Roses
The other night, our dog, Bree was going crazy at about 12:30 AM. When I let her outside, I saw that Nathan and Andrew had just parked the car and were getting out of it.
It was a school night and this was hours after I sent Andrew to BED.
I just stood in the doorway in a nightshirt with my mouth wide open in shock. (not my best moment -lol)
Andrew didn't know for sure if I had seen him, so he ducked behind the car, hoping he was out of my view. No such luck.
It also that made me think he had suddenly become some kind of sneaky delinquent. ; )
Nathan spoke up and said that he had needed Andrew to "help him with something."
I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he needed help with at that hour, unless it was eating french fries from Checkers. LOL So, I said something to the effect that Andrew was in big trouble and I shut the door and went back to bed.
In the morning I had a plan to ground Andrew that was so severe, Hubby said I needed to lighten it up!
And when I walked into the kitchen in the next morning,
I found:
THIS IS WHAT Nathan needed help with. Apparently, it isn't easy to find flowers at midnight. : )
So, all my plans to ground Andrew until he was 30 went out the window!
They asked me later, if they had 'made the blog.' -I'm pretty sure they always 'make the blog.'
Then they thought of this title for me.
And since I somehow lost count and thought I was turning 48, -turning 46, totally rocked!
It was a school night and this was hours after I sent Andrew to BED.
I just stood in the doorway in a nightshirt with my mouth wide open in shock. (not my best moment -lol)
Andrew didn't know for sure if I had seen him, so he ducked behind the car, hoping he was out of my view. No such luck.
It also that made me think he had suddenly become some kind of sneaky delinquent. ; )
Nathan spoke up and said that he had needed Andrew to "help him with something."
I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he needed help with at that hour, unless it was eating french fries from Checkers. LOL So, I said something to the effect that Andrew was in big trouble and I shut the door and went back to bed.
In the morning I had a plan to ground Andrew that was so severe, Hubby said I needed to lighten it up!
And when I walked into the kitchen in the next morning,
I found:
So, all my plans to ground Andrew until he was 30 went out the window!
They asked me later, if they had 'made the blog.' -I'm pretty sure they always 'make the blog.'
Then they thought of this title for me.
And since I somehow lost count and thought I was turning 48, -turning 46, totally rocked!
September 23, 2015
Wednesdays in the Word
This verse has been coming to mind a lot lately:
"In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong." ~Job 1:22
I love that!
So many of us 'charge God with wrong' when bad things happen. Not to mention the bad wrap He gets for all the natural disasters and all the horrible things that happen in this fallen world. (the key is 'fallen')
I played the 'mad at God' card, years ago and it was such a nowhere road.
Eventually, He changed my perspective on the situation and then all I could do was thank Him, because His hand was so evident after all. It just had not happened the way that I thought that it should...
More from Job...
"God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered?" ~Job 9:4
~Pretty sure, the answer is 'no one!' I know that I didn't.
Here's the thing:
"He does great things past finding out, yes wonders without number." ~Job 9:10
He does so many things that we are totally unaware of!
"I will forget my complaint. I will put off my sad face and wear a smile." ~Job 9:27
Great advice, from a guy who had every reason not to smile! : )
"In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong." ~Job 1:22
I love that!
So many of us 'charge God with wrong' when bad things happen. Not to mention the bad wrap He gets for all the natural disasters and all the horrible things that happen in this fallen world. (the key is 'fallen')
I played the 'mad at God' card, years ago and it was such a nowhere road.
Eventually, He changed my perspective on the situation and then all I could do was thank Him, because His hand was so evident after all. It just had not happened the way that I thought that it should...
More from Job...
"God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered?" ~Job 9:4
~Pretty sure, the answer is 'no one!' I know that I didn't.
Here's the thing:
"He does great things past finding out, yes wonders without number." ~Job 9:10
He does so many things that we are totally unaware of!
"I will forget my complaint. I will put off my sad face and wear a smile." ~Job 9:27
Great advice, from a guy who had every reason not to smile! : )
September 22, 2015
September 21, 2015
Wedding Week part 2
Tiffany was born in New York, so she chose this really cool New York deli for the rehearsal dinner. The food is awesome and the portion sizes are outrageous! The private room is really cute -no decorations needed. Yay! Don't get me wrong, I love to decorate! My kids will tell you I have to hang a banner for every occasion possible! : )
What a fun night it was!
Hubby thankfully had the strength to introduce everyone and then he gave a great speech about Zac. Then Tiffany's dad gave a sweet speech about her. From there, the kids' siblings and their friends in the wedding party gave sweet speeches.
It was a beautiful evening!
There was a lot of love in that room! : )
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. There were 37 of us! |
Hubby thankfully had the strength to introduce everyone and then he gave a great speech about Zac. Then Tiffany's dad gave a sweet speech about her. From there, the kids' siblings and their friends in the wedding party gave sweet speeches.
It was a beautiful evening!
There was a lot of love in that room! : )
September 16, 2015
Wedding week
Last Monday, our dear friends from CA flew into town for the wedding festivities. We had barely said more than 'hello' when my best friend asked how she could help with the wedding and she didn't have to ask me twice! : )
She jumped in and scanned baby pictures of Zac for the wedding slideshow, did my dishes and she helped me sew this canopy/chuppah thing that the kids wanted to get married under, until 11:30 PM.
Tuesday morning she took me out for a manicure/pedicure! What a fun break that was!
Hubby's brother and his wife arrived next and then the four of us headed to the airport to welcome their dad, who will turn 84 this year. He loved his reception!
I made a fajita bar that night and they all came over from their hotel for dinner.
I only took a couple of pictures and they were of people chewing. : )
Then I pretty much declared that I needed all the estrogen in the room to help me pull off the canopy, which was still unfinished! LOL
Everyone pitched in to help! Even the guys!
There were about 10 of us working on it at times! I love my family!!!
Around 4 we all parted ways. Some of us headed to the wedding rehearsal and others to their hotels.
I'm happy to say that the canopy got finished an hour beforehand! Hooray!
The only problem was that we didn't have time to set it up before the rehearsal started. : ) So, it looked like this
One of my sweet sisters-in-law went to the restaurant to help set things up for the rehearsal dinner while we practiced. And my sweet brother and his wife stood in for some of the grandparents who weren't present. We finished on time and headed to the rehearsal dinner for some fun!
More to come on that and the big day!
Tuesday morning she took me out for a manicure/pedicure! What a fun break that was!
Hubby's brother and his wife arrived next and then the four of us headed to the airport to welcome their dad, who will turn 84 this year. He loved his reception!
I made a fajita bar that night and they all came over from their hotel for dinner.
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Father and son |
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3 generations |
After dinner, my dad, my sister and her friend all flew in.
We had a fun evening visiting and I served key lime pie because it is so Floridian. : )
My brother and his family flew in late Tuesday night, so we didn't get to see them until the next morning when I had a brunch for everyone at 11:00 because they were still on west coast time. : )
By then there were 18 of us!
This was the FIRST TIME EVER that our home was filled with people who are related to us on both sides of our family! My heart was so full! What a blessing it was to have almost all of our loved ones in our home at once!
Then I pretty much declared that I needed all the estrogen in the room to help me pull off the canopy, which was still unfinished! LOL
Everyone pitched in to help! Even the guys!
There were about 10 of us working on it at times! I love my family!!!
Around 4 we all parted ways. Some of us headed to the wedding rehearsal and others to their hotels.
I'm happy to say that the canopy got finished an hour beforehand! Hooray!
The only problem was that we didn't have time to set it up before the rehearsal started. : ) So, it looked like this
About this time, it started getting real! Ahhh!!!!
More to come on that and the big day!
September 14, 2015
Happy 24th to us!
It has been the busiest and best week ever! : )
Zac and Tiffany's wedding was soooo beautiful!
Hubby and I completely forgot that today is our anniversary!
All of our wonderful family members have now flown home and if he's up for it, we are going out on a date tonight to celebrate!
Happy 24th to us!
~Many more wedding pictures and posts to come! : )
Zac and Tiffany's wedding was soooo beautiful!
Hubby and I completely forgot that today is our anniversary!
Happy 24th to us!
~Many more wedding pictures and posts to come! : )
September 5, 2015
The best man is home and he really is the 'best man' to all of us! We are so grateful that he moved home for the next 4 months to be with us during this time.

God, who is always so faithful, is providing a job and a vehicle for him while he's here.
His sweet church in CA is paying his rent, while he is away so that he doesn't loose his apartment! They love him so much and can't wait to have him back. I know the feeling!!!! : )
September 4, 2015
The wedding fun
My best friend messaged me the other day and said that if she was dealing with cancer treatments and a wedding, she'd want Prozac! bahaha!
There is certainly a lot going on! The other day, I was tempted to pray, "Lord, what were you thinking?!?" ; )
The wedding is in 6 days and just about every relative we have, will be here in 4! Ahhh!
Still so much to do!
In between caring for Hubby and doctor's appointments, I had to figure out how much fabric to buy to make something like this since Zac already built the frame. I'm not really a seamstress so it was scary!
Yesterday Joy and I made something like this...
There is certainly a lot going on! The other day, I was tempted to pray, "Lord, what were you thinking?!?" ; )
The wedding is in 6 days and just about every relative we have, will be here in 4! Ahhh!
Still so much to do!
In between caring for Hubby and doctor's appointments, I had to figure out how much fabric to buy to make something like this since Zac already built the frame. I'm not really a seamstress so it was scary!
Yesterday Joy and I made something like this...
And then I had furn addressing 37 place cards using my very rusty calligraphy skills that were never that good to begin with, for the rehearsal dinner.
Today, I'm going to the restaurant where we are holding it, to figure out the seating arrangements.
Tiffany moved into the apartment that will be their first home after the wedding! So exciting!
Poor Andrew fell off the ramp of the U haul truck and rolled his ankle. Seriously hoping he won't need crutches to walk down the aisle next week! But no matter what, he is going to be looking GOOD!
Next on the agenda is to get a hold of the very busy groom-to-be and practice dancing to our mother/son song. Not that either of us can dance, we are just two shy people who will be doing good to pull off some swaying! ; )
And speaking of shy, the bride and groom have opted to have their 'first look' at each other in private before the ceremony, with the photographer. Isn't that sweet! A great idea! Can't wait to see those pictures eventually!
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