"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

September 26, 2014

First day of treatments -check!

The first chemo treatment went well. Hubby had a recliner, cable TV, snacks and a heated blanket to enjoy.
But he wasn't feeling that great by the time we got home, as you can imagine. He also hasn't been hungry since.
My new mission is to keep him eating whether he wants to or not because people who maintain their weight heal faster. Most of the healthy things we've been eating lately have no appeal to him anymore. Zip, nada, none!
The ONLY thing that appealed to him yesterday turned out to be a Big Mac. LOL! Go figure! I think that is funny after eating so healthy for 8 weeks. THAT definitely wasn't 'grass-fed beef'! -I'm not sure that even counts as meat! ; ) But, at least he ate something!

The chemo is in a bag that he carries in a pouch around his waist and it has a line that is dripping it into the port in his chest. He wears it Monday-Friday. For radiation, he goes to the hospital daily, after work so they can zap him.
Yesterday, he had his first radiation treatment and I was able to go in as they got him all set up. It was like watching someone get ready to be launched into space! Quite the machine! Part of it was lifting him up, another part was moving up under him, another moved on top of him and then another section of it was unfolding so that it could encircling him and shoot the radiation. (my best try at a description)
Honestly, I was kind of freaking out but he was all strapped in and confined and he thankfully, couldn't see my face. But he was perfectly fine! He's so courageous. This part didn't phase him a bit! The added bonus was they wanted to play his favorite music for him and so he got to listen to Switchfoot, which was comforting.

The way he felt afterwards, was another story. Bless his heart. He felt horrible. He even said it felt like there was a living creature inside of his stomach! Ugh! So,we were glad when it was time to go to bed and end day 2 of 28.

We are so very thankful for all those dear friends who are praying for him and even fasting, during this time! We are blessed! I've always thought it sounded weird when people would say that they can 'feel the prayers' but no matter how weird that sounds, I do feel like I can 'feel' them and that we are totally being carried through this intense trial on the prayers of our friends! Amazing!


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