"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

January 7, 2014

Another birthday to clebrate

Our oldest turned 21 on Sunday!!!
 Happy Birthday, Zac!

When Hubby was giving the traditional birthday speech, he mentioned Zac being our first born and us wondering about the future when he was just a baby. We wondered what his life would hold and what kind of a man he would be at the age of 21. (it seemed scary to picture the teen years and beyond while holding a beautiful baby in your arms)
He went on to tell him that we had NO idea how blessed we'd end up being by his life and his choices and he thanked Zac for his part.

Speaking of what a blessing he is, we made him a list of our 21 favorite things about him. Here are some (mostly from his siblings)
His sense of humor, his diligence, his generosity, his style,  that he's goofy,  his leadership skills, his musical ability, his determination, and his great hair (LOL)

This morning I was reminded of how faithful God is and how He hears and answers prayer. -We started volunteering in youth ministry when Zac was two and Nate was a newborn and we did it for the next six years. We loved it and I have youth ministry to thank for all the prayers it made me pray for our kids and their future teens years. In fear and trembling I cried out to God and boy, did He answer big! Maybe every new parent should try leading a youth group. It's a real prayer motivator. :-)


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