"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 8, 2012

I heart my sewing machine

I am SOOOO happy that my sewing machine is now repaired. I've been without it for two years! (boo hoo) Who knew that the problem could be fixed for only $16! I wish I would have had it fixed long ago. Not that I'm all that great at sewing, I really only like to make quilts,which is pretty much just sewing in straight lines, lol but it is relaxing and I enjoy it.

I've made a little place for myself to sew in the little 'alcove' in the living room instead of using the kitchen table. The (ugly) antique sewing table I was given years ago, just fits! (I know a guy who could paint it, but I'm going to pretend that it has a shabby chic look and not bother)

Lots of natural light from the window, the noise of falling water from the fountain in front of the house, and the fact that I'll be seated right in the middle of all the homeschooling action, should make it a great place to sew. I've named it 'my happy place' and I can't wait to get started.

Since the kids are independent learners these days, I don't have too much to do but give some spelling tests and keep them on task. (which can be quite a challenge when the college guy and the 7th grader get to teasing each other and running around the house wrestling!) All of them definitely work better when I am seated in one place and not running around myself doing housework or errands. It is hard for me to sit still sometimes when no one needs me but probably explains why I like to blog, right? I've tried knitting scarves, but I kept having to say "just a minute, I have to finish my row and then I'll help you' lol and that didn't work out too well.

I do plan to quilt but my first project is a missionary project for women in a prison in Zambia. I'll let you know how it goes, once I get started.


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