"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 19, 2007

His Faithfulness

My 'driving verse' is:
"The angel of the Lord surrounds those who fear Him and he protects them."
And we saw that protection in a big way, this weekend....

We were all in the car and on our way to a graduation party when a truck hit us from behind because it was hit from behind by an SUV!
We didn't suffer any injuries but let me tell you, it was quite a moment when my hubby and I realized that two of our kids, in the back row, were 20 inches from the impact....
And when that dawned on me and I had to turn around in my seat and I didn't know what I would see.... Well, it was just totally frightening!

But they were fine! Glory to God!
We've all had some headaches and backaches, but that is it.
We are so thankful that we were not injured or at fault. Praise the Lord. And, although our van doesn't look so great, it still runs perfectly and that is a big blessing during this busy season.


Unknown said...

Oh, Becky! I am so thankful all is well. What a terrible experience. I can only imagine how incredibly frightening it must have been. Praise God indeed!

You have much to be thankful for.

And I'd keep saying that driving verse if I were you.

Susan said...

I clicked on your blog because I absolutely love the name. I read this post and said to myself, "God is so Good." Then I started looking around at you site and I really enjoy it. I will be visiting often. Our family always says a prayer when we travel and God has graciously placed his angels around us and we have always arrived safely.Praise God.

Yvonne said...

Oh Becky...rejoicing that everyone is okay...and praying that headaches and backaches go away quickly!

Unknown said...

I'm sooo glad every one is OK!!! While driving is some of the times I am most thankful. He has protected me from close calls SO OFTEN!!!