"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 7, 2007

A December blessing! part 2

We had the BEST time!!!

We decided to give MGM*Studios a try this time
since we are Star*Wars geeks and Narnia freaks!
We were able to see all the attractions and go on all the rides we wanted to with very little waiting. (20 min. max -amazing!) All the shows we saw were excellent!
The Osbourne Christmas Lights Spectacular is totally spectacular. (5 million Christmas lights)
The kids loved the falling snow. (bubbles) It was great fun to stand around in the street looking up at the buildings and singing Christmas songs with strangers. I wish they all knew the peace that comes from the display over in the corner...
We were glad that Jesus is still welcome at D*sney. yahoo!

Here is our birthday guy! My wonderful hubby is 41 today!

We celebrated his special day at the Sci*Fi Cafe with milkshakes. (oh, were they ever yummy!) The cafe was a drive-in theater and we all sat in '55 Chevy's with the dash board as the table. They played clips of old sci fi movies which were goofy. Like Attack of the 56 Foot Woman. And Attack of the Killer Gila Monster or something like that...pretty corny!
My hubby and I went and had 'some church' when we saw the Harlem*Gospel Choir sing. Woohoo! We did this while "Uncle Carlos" took the kiddos on Tower*of*Terror over and over again, which our stomachs weren't up for after those milkshakes. ; )

Even though we'd saved up for the pricey meals this day would require, my hubby decided at the last minute that it just wasn't a good use of money. (couldn't argue with that) If we hadn't done the birthday milkshake celebration, then we would have gotten out of there for $11.00, which is the price of parking.

Here's how we did Disney 'econo-style'

-Of course it helps to live in the same state because then you don't need a hotel room...

We brought our lunch (yummy Cuban sandwiches which he made us) and ate it in the car. Which doesn't sound too fun but it was just fine. We were out of the park and at our car in only 10 minutes! (even with the tram ride) Then we ate and headed back in for the next show. It was WAY easier than we thought it would be. (and we saved at least $100.00 since there are 7 of us) We also brought into the park our bottled waters, nuts and protein bars for snacks. At dinnertime we munched on our snacks and realized that we would have missed an awesome show if we would've gone to dinner. The park didn't stay open late on a week night, so it closed at 8:00. After that we headed over to the first set of golden arches we found in Orlando and had something off the dollar menu for our dinner. : )

Going 'ecno-style' was a fun challenge that proved to be worthwhile. We were glad we splurged on the crazy birthday memory though.

Our MANY thanks to the A Family who made all these fun memories possible! : )


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I know envy is a sin, but girl, you're sorely tempting me! This sounds like so much fun! And doing it frugally---well, that's us all the way!