"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 12, 2013


A couple of years ago, we started a new Christmas tradition.

In early December we pick out what we'd like to buy for someone else's family for Christmas from the World Vision catalog. We set out a jar and put in our change and offerings which grow as the season progresses.
(not our tithes, which we strongly believe go to our local church where we are spiritually fed, sorry for getting preachy on you!) : )
This year we have a little clay pot that reminds us that "He who gives to the poor will lack nothing."
(Psalm 28:27) Amen!
We chose a dairy goat for the last couple of years, which means "the family can sell surplus milk, cheese, and yogurt at the market to earn money for medicine and other necessities."

But this year the kids decided they wanted to try to buy "more than a goat." (I love that!!!!)
They also want to try to supply mosquito nets for a family, which are coated in insecticide to protect children from malaria. And they want to help a victim of human trafficking with restoration of "physical and spiritual health, safe shelter, medical care, food and vocational training." (which I can't read without choking up)

Anyway, I counted what is in the pot so far and I'm happy to report we have the goat covered! Hooray!
Here's World Vision's Christmas website in case you'd like to join in the fun and do some life-changing giving! Their deadline to deliver by Christmas is December 16th.


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