"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

December 25, 2011

Let the Stable Still Astonish

This poem really touched our family's hearts during one of our devotions recently. Hope it blesses you too!
Let the stable still astonish, Straw -dirt floor, dull eyes, Dusty flanks of donkeys, oxen; Crumbling, crooked walls, No bed to carry that pain, And then, the child, Rag-wrapped, laid to cry in a trough. Who would have chosen this? Who would have said: "Yes, let the God of all the heavens and the earth be born here, in this place?" Who but the same God who stands in the darker, fouler rooms of our hearts and says" "Yes, let the God of Heaven and earth be born here- in this place."
~Leslie Leyland Fields
Isn't it a glorious thing that Jesus, the King of Heaven wants to live inside of us? And that His birth was announced to the lowest working class -shepherds and not to kings. Isn't it amazing that he left Heaven for a stable instead of a palace? I think He wanted to assure us for all time, that salvation would have nothing to do with social status. I hope you've had a new glimpse of the stable this season and are 'still astonished.'
~Merry Christmas~

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