"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

March 7, 2015

Update on Hubby

To add to the rough recovery process, Hubby had the stomach flu last week. Poor thing!
Not to mention we have a big enough challenge each day trying to make sure he eats enough calories now that his 'stomach' is so small. So, that was pretty horrible.
A trip to the cancer hospital earlier this week assured us that all the pain he was in over the weekend was from throwing up and not some new problem. Hooray! -Fluid has not built up around his heart again or in his lungs.
They did find that his heart is in a-fib (or really a-flutter) again and that his heart rate is high. (another reason why he hasn't been feeling well)
So, on Wednesday, they are going to do a cardioversion and shock his heart back into rhythm. Lord willing, it will stay that way forever (AMEN) and a month from now, he will be able to get off all the heart meds which keep him feeling so tired. He is dying to be able to get his strength back and go back to work.
The cardiologist still believes this is all due to the surgery since the heart is so close to the esophagus. He said that it isn't a big deal and that Hubby should view it as 'just a blip on the screen' compared to all that he's been through. : ) Hooray for something that is only a blip, right about now because, wow, has he been through a lot!
Tuesday, they want to see if anything is wrong with his thyroid,
Wednesday is the cardioversion and on Friday, we meet with the oncologist.

Prayers appreciated!


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