"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

November 25, 2013

Celebrating 17!

How can baby #3 be 17 already?! I have no idea!

When your birthday is sometimes on Thanksgiving or very close to it, you rarely ever have school that day, 
 which makes you grow up thinking that your birthday is a school holiday LOL . 
Unfortunately, it fell on a school day this year.

When the birthday girl's favorite thing is to bake, she makes her own cake! Hooray!
 An out of this world, Snickers Cake!

We took a Joy quiz, and did a Joy word search, and told her what we admire about her . Then we played a wild game of Farkle! 

Happy Birthday, to the sweetest girl on the planet, who brings us all such joy!


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