"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

November 12, 2013

Another care-giving turn ends!

Last week, was all about packing up my brother-in-law and this care-giving turn coming to an end. He left our house on Saturday to spend the next several months with other family and friends and will probably be back for another stay in the spring.

We've been working on having him approved for public transportation for the disabled and finally got our interview the day before he left! Some people apply for this service who are perfectly capable of riding a regular bus but apply because of the convenience of having a van to your house and take you where you want to go. (nice!) The interview process weeds out those folks.
He uses this service when he stays in CA and is able to go to doctors appointments and out to lunch with friends from his stroke support group. We have high hopes that he will be approved to use the service here in FL too.
We've been giving him rides to the chiropractor and to his volunteer position at the aquarium. Getting him to and from the aquarium is a big process for me. Its OK for your heart to race when pushing twice your weight for a half of a block, right? -It is my Friday workout, for sure! Then I come back 3 hours later and do it all in reverse. All that to say, it would be beyond awesome if he gets approved!!!

Saturday, we were up at 4:30 AM getting him ready to leave and off to the airport. Then we started the process of putting our house back the way it usually is and removing all the things he needs to function around here and putting them in the attic. Joy gets her bedroom back and we get our family room back. All that means moving furniture from this room to that room. With all this moving around every four months, Joy has learned to live lean. She's decided not to keep any extra STUFF because it just makes more work. (good practice for someone who wants to be a missionary, I'd say) : )
We finished in 3 1/2 hours this time. Yahoo!
Then we headed to my favorite restaurant. The kids thought I should pick, since care-giving is the hardest on me, they say.
Unfortunately for them. I didn't pick Chinese. ; )

Now to enjoy a little break and the holidays! Hooray!


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