"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

July 4, 2011

Fun on the Fourth

Because the BBQ must go on! ; )


We thought we had time to grill before the storm came in, but we were totally wrong. : ) We were only half way through when it hit....and did it ever hit.

~Gotta love Florida's weather! -Our kids do. They love any chance they can get to play in the rain. (while our elderly neighbor watches and frowns at them. lol) But it isn't like there is any chance of getting sick when it is 90 degrees out!

In spite of the weather, we had the best burgers ever! The fam thought they were better than Reb Robins! Now that is saying something! Zac wanted us to try bleu cheese burgers, so he found a recipe and I added a few things to it. He loves to grill. This might explain why Nathan doesn't know how, so Dad gave him a lesson today, "because men have to know how to grill!"
It was cute because somethings I overheard were "Go get a big drink. Men have to have a big, cold drink while they BBQ." And "If you are lucky, sometimes the women will prepare the meat for you." ; )
Here's what I do for burgers: -I put Worcestershire sauce on and Lawry's season salt on them before they hit the grill. But here was the kicker that we tried today:

4 T softened butter
3 oz of bleu cheese
2 cloves of garlic minced
2 T of mayonnaise

This mixture is enough for 6 burgers and we divided it up and put it on each burger while it was still hot. And they were amazing. The kids said they can't wait to have some company soon and "blow their minds." ; )

Besides eating, the guys took a trip to the music store, we played some Frisbee, learned to play Skip-Bo and of course had an exciting time grilling in a major storm. That was pretty much it. It was happy fourth, despite the fact that Dad's back is still recuperating and he had to spend a good part of the day laying flat on the floor and doing back exercises.

Happy birthday, America! May you be a nation that God wants to bless in the days ahead.


*Edited to note: Our new variation on the bleu cheese recipe is: 2 T. mayo, 4 oz. bleu cheese, pepper, 4 crumbled pieces of bacon, 1/2 an onion cooked in bacon grease. -The mind blowing continues! But we all about fainted when we saw Andrew about to scrap his off his burger into the trash can! : ) That's my picky eater!

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