"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

July 29, 2011

Back issues

My dear sweet hubby's back is a big issue right now. It hasn't been quite right since he caught his brother who was having a seizure. A week and a half ago, when we thought his back was better, he lifted some ladders....The next day, it was so bad that he could not get out of his truck. So, he took one more week of vacation to give it time to heal. But that wasn't enough time and now he's taken an unpaid leave of absence from work, which hopefully won't be for too long, until his back is completely healed. So pray for his complete and total healing, if you would.

He bought a swim pass and is visiting the city pool to swim laps twice a day. He's doing his back exercises and hanging upside down for 5 -10 minutes a day. : ) -His best friend bought him an inversion table the other day! Such a thoughtful gift!
He's also put himself on a diet and isn't eating much and he looks thinner by the day. He is keeping his spirits up by praying a lot more than usual, reading tons of the Bible and other spiritual books, memorizing scriptures and writing a spiritual book of his own. (I SOOO love this guy!)

This is definitely a trial for us. These words from Oswald Chambers were comforting today:
(I love, love, love Oswald Chambers!)

"Clouds are those sorrows or sufferings or providences within our personal lives which seem to dispute the rule of God. It is by those very clouds that the Spirit of God is teaching us how to walk by faith. If there were no clouds, we should have no faith. 'The clouds are but the dust of our Father's feet.' The clouds are a sign that He is there."

So thankful that He is here,

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