"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

January 12, 2012

Of men, dwarfs, elves and dragons

Years ago we heard about a home educated young man who wrote a novel when he was 15, and being intrigued, we gave it a try.
Soon after, our whole family was hooked on these books: 
I tried reading them to the kids, until we found out that they were available on c.d. from the library!
 I certainly couldn't do the voices of dragons, orcs and elves anywhere close to as well as Gerard Doyle, 
so why try. : ) He is amazing!

For Christmas, our family received the last book in the series, by Christopher Paolini on c.d. 
 We have been enjoying (all 24!) of them ever since on our various ipods. Yay!
Yes, we are a little on the nerdy side. : ) But a quote I love, goes something like this "If you don't read with your children, how will you know who their friends are?"

We've certainly made some interesting 'friends' here!

Embracing the science fiction geek in us all,  ; )
~Becky and family

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