"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

August 24, 2009

Good bye, lazy days of summer...

Today was our first day of school!
To celebrate I made monkey bread this morning. -Not exactly the breakfast of champions! ; )

I LOVE new school years! I LOVE new schedules and fresh starts. It's so much fun....
Well, the schedule I made for myself is not really 'so much fun.' It means getting up at 5:30 AM. The thought of me getting up that early made my hubby laugh, but I did it!
(I like to aim high at the beginning of the year. No promises for two weeks from now. lol)

This schedule gives me lots of time to be with the Lord before my kiddos get up and time to answer emails before I have to wait in line for one of our computers. : )
(I am the president of our home school group this year and that equals a lot of emails, I've found out)

Anyway, my new fantastic schedule for my kids somehow had us going jogging for p.e.
pretty much right after consuming the money bread...ugh!
Note to self for next year: monkey bread and jogging are not a good combination!

But all in all, (even though some people felt like they might throw up)
it was a great first day!
I'm really blessed to spend so much of my time with my favorite peeps!

You guys are awesome!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the jogging idea! Moriah and I are going together also before school starts! :)