"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

July 22, 2009

We are home and on the run!

I hope to do a post about the fun we had in St. Louis and the fun the rest of our family had at the beach soon. But life is in high gear right now.

VBS started the day after we got back from the trip. (oh my mercy!) : )
Tons of fun but busy...busy...busy!

Today our dear friends from TX (who are moving to CA) are coming for a week long visit and I've had the troops cleaning like crazy with me. We've been in a hurry to get it all done in time.
When one of them grabbed the vaccumm this morning WITHOUT being asked, I told him that
he is now "my favorite child!" LOL!!!!!!!
Totally kidding of course, but he was so thoughtful and I so thankful!!!

The kids' church band that Andrew is in, played for the very first time last night!
The band members are all about 10 yrs. old so they looked SO cute up on stage and they sounded awesome! I was so proud!
~I know that Andrew will always remember this. Imagine having the first time you ever played the guitar in public be for 400 kids and 154 adults at VBS. Ahhhhh! Pretty exciting!

I hope to have some fun pictures and posts up soon when life slows down a little... or at least feels like it does!

Happy Summer!

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