"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

February 15, 2009

Sick buddies

I can't remember the last time I was sick and had a buddy!

~There have been lots of times when I've nursed kiddos and then ended up in bed when everyone else is over the 'bug.' Lots of times. : )
~And plenty of times when I've been the only one to catch something. (with great relief)

Right now, I have one sweet bed buddy. It's not nearly so depressing to be feeling rotten with a cute, talkative 9 yr. old next to you who feels the same way.
We compare symptoms,
feel each others fevers and get each other glasses of water even though it hurts to get up.
He let me know that I look weird when I sleep (LOL -I'm not surprised)
and I let him know that he looks adorable when he sleeps. : )

We've also been watching our favorite Sp*derman movies together. My favorite is the third one. I love all the spiritual lessons you can pull out of that movie!
Like 'pride going before a fall' and how revenge and anger can take over your life. And one that I add is: "saving our kisses for the person we are really going to marry." : )
I like to hear my little guy's take on these topics. Of course, all that action and watching MJ hanging and falling from every location possible isn't very relaxing...

I think we are on the upswing now.
Here's hoping we are better tomorrow!


Liesa said...

Feel better soon; both of you!

Jamie said...

How sweet!! I love to watch my kids sleep, but I don't think they feel quite as nostalgic about seeing me sleep!! LOL!! Obviously Andrew felt the same way!! Hope to see your smile again soon!!

TulipGirl said...

Aw! So sweet! Hope y'all are all feeling better now.