"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

April 10, 2008

Watching and playing Idol

Here I am again, in awe that the Lord was praised on American I*ol last night.
We were so surprised that the finale was Shout to the Lord!
Wasn't it beautiful?! We loved it.
That song has a special place in our hearts. When we were in youth ministry, we took our youth group on a mission trip to Mexico and we sang it in Spanish in the streets, parks and in churches. (I think I did some lip syncing, come to think of it.)

And speaking of Idol, my kiddos friends wanted to trade video games for awhile and the one they loaned us was American I*ol on the PS2 with a microphone.

I'm pretty sure they forgot they loaned it to us though,
because the next day,
I heard Joy on the phone saying:
"My dad is in the top 4 on American I*ol!!!"
And then her friend must have been getting excited because then I heard:
"Not the real one! The one you loaned us." ~Evidently, they aren't watching it this season. LOL!

Who is going to have to make a sign with his name on it and wave it from the kitchen! ; )


Jamie said...

I have to agree with you!! It is awesome that our Lord, Jesus was recognized in such a way! So many people watch Idol. I just can't figure out WHY!! That is the way my mind works! Why that song? Anyway it was awesome! I got goose bumps!

Tell your hubby I say congrats! I'll be looking for his new CD soon! LOL!!

Unknown said...

HAHA! But it is so great about Shout to the Lord being sung American Idol.

Unknown said...

Ha! That is so funny. You know we would have known he wasn't really, because we are glued to the tv on Idol night. You know, on Thurs they sang Shout to the Lord again, and this time they sang the lyrics with Jesus. I wonder whose idea that was? I am imagining it was the Idols themselves that changed the lyrics just because they could. I wonder???