Joy and Andrew were so excited about it and talked about it for weeks. They are pretty sure that they have been on every field trip possible by this time and don't usually get this excited but we have never been to a corn maze in the day time, let alone at night.
I was excited FOR them until my friends started telling me all their corn maze experiences which sounded like being caught in a very, very bad dream. (one was so lost that she and her kids went plowing right through the corn until they got out) They also mentioned a woman, who got lost in one recently, and called 911! -Apparently she had a newborn baby with her so, that was suppose to make me feel better somehow but it didn't.
Since it suddenly sounded dangerous, I signed up to go with them, knowing deep down that me going with them wasn't going to be a whole lot better than them going alone...
because as one of them said last night:
"You don't need corn to get lost Mom, you have roads." Bahaha!
~And that is why the GPS is my BFF for life! : )
And that explains why I was dreading the nighttime corn maze for the past two weeks. It even rained on the way to the farm and I was sure God was delivering me, but no such luck, it stopped.
We got all the rules while standing outside the maze with our group. Since Halloween is in a few days, the owner let us know that this was NOT a scare maze. (that was a horrifying thought that hadn't even crossed my mind! ha ha) Someone jumping out of the corn to scare you, not fun!
Since we had to go into it in groups and because I lack a good sense of direction, I asked my friend's hubby if we could tag along with him and his daughter since he was an Eagle Scout. -I was pretty sure we would come out alive without calling 911 with him around. lol
My next option would have been other friend's hubby who is a paramedic, which would've been almost like taking 911 with me! ; )
We ended up having SOOOOO much fun in that 5 acres of corn! There were clues along the way that kept us knowing we were on the right path and we made it through in about 20 minutes. Whoo-hoo! I'm pretty sure I felt like a person in a marathon when they see the finish line.
As we were about to head off to the camp fire, Joy realized that she lost her phone somewhere. Can you guess? Yes, it turned out to be IN the corn maze. At that point, I was really glad that I don't believe in buying my kids expensive phones! AMEN! It was only a $10 Tracfone, so I was perfectly happy to leave it in and among the corn, but our Eagle Scout friend went back in and found it while I was calling it.
We did some marshmallow roasting and then needed to leave the fun farm, that is in the absolute middle of no where, in a town I'd never heard of, to get Andrew to a friend's house. (for one final sleepover before his friend moves away)
When we finally got back home, my hubby informed us that our friend called and Joy left her phone at the farm on the picnic table. -I'm pretty sure it is there to stay!
Hooray for cheap Tracfones and the fact that we had such a great time that I am not in need corn maze therapy now! ; )