It is already a blur! : )
On Friday night:
Zac worked at Starbucks and had a great night. He's getting the hang of making all those complicated drinks. yay! My BFF and her hubby and kids took Andrew and Nathan to a minor league game because they knew the father of one of the players. Then they went to Crabby Bills for appetizers and a walk on the beach. (I'd say they had the most fun out of all of us) My hubby hung out with his BFF then had his transmission give out on the way home and needed a tow. I hung out with Joy having a Waltons -fest because I love the Waltons and because she had the flu. She taught me how to make duct tape wallets and then we went to rescue Dad who was stranded in a not-so-great part of town.
On Saturday:
We found out that we didn't actually need a new transmission and we only had to spend $42 on a part for Carlos to fix it. He doesn't do transmissions so if we needed a new one it was going to be $1800 not including labor!!! UGHHH! -And so there was great rejoicing... : )
Nathan and I picked up his BFF in Spring Hill which is an hour away, for one last sleep over. His friend's family is moving to VA this week. It was sad to loose such an awesome, godly family that has meant so much to us. We had him and a couple other friends over for one last get together and dinner.
On Sunday:
We went to church and that evening we headed to the BEACH with 2 other families! (because we never go on a holiday -too crazy) Thanks to what "Lee" was doing in TX, our gulf beach had big WAVES! Sooo much fun. My hubby hung out in the sand not wanting to risk any injury to his back. -Smart man! I got pummeled more times than I can we headed to get our traditional slurpees! (can't go to the beach without having those on the way home) Zac had to miss all the fun and go to work. We had more boys sleeping over that night and playing video games until who knows when. Zac got off at 10:00 and joined in the fun. Hubby and I fed them all and went for a quick date alone! : )
The boys and their buddies played more video games and surprisingly enough did not have their eyes fall out. ; ) I made oatmeal cookie pancakes that were a big hit. (Thanks Rachel Ray)
We were pretty lazy all the rest of the day, until we BBQ'd burgers. Hubby and I took a walk to a near-by pond, but it was beastly hot. We are trying to figure out how to celebrate our 20th anniversary next week (whoo-hoo!) and we are getting ready to have my brother in law come back to stay with us again. (much sooner than we expected) This time his stay will be for 6 mo.
That's all the news and fun happening here!