"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

March 24, 2009

These heros have made me a hero!

I've made these for my family a couple of times now and do they ever rave about them!!!
~I wish all my recipes made them do that! LOL



March 22, 2009

What have we been up to?

A LOT! ~It has been one big fun blurr lately!

Joy and Andrew had their last JBQ District match which is the last one of the year. ~Both teams came in first place in their flights. Whoo-hoo. A fun way for Joy to end her JBQ years!

Nathan had TBQ Districts and his team came in 3rd place and will most likely advance to the regional competition with a wild card invitation.

We went on a field trip to a big cat sanctuary and saw all kinds of neat cats that have been rescued.
This animal reminded me that God has a sense of humor.
This is a bear cat and its spray (aka urine) smells JUST like.....
You'll never guess......

Just like buttered popcorn! I kid you not!
When the tour guide asked us if we smelled buttered popcorn I was like "Yes! Yum!" Until I found out what it was of course. EWWWW!!!

We were blessed to hear a lion roar!

What a gorgeous animal he is. And his roar was nothing like what you hear on TV.

Joy and I finished a sewing project we were doing for a sweet friend's new baby that is due to arrive any minute! I made the blankee and Joy made the matching bear! It was fun.

And THIS week we took spring break!
Our dear friends from TX came to spend the week with us and we had a blast!

It wasn't long before we were all knitting together.... LOL!
Nathan came in and said "Oh no! My mom has brainwashed you." ; )
But they wanted to learn and help us make hats for missionaries so it didn't really count as brainwashing.

It's fun to see how much our kids love being together because we sure do!


March 7, 2009

These were so much fun to make!

We have been doing a unit study on George Washington, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights lately. For art were suppose to make silhouettes.
-Now, I skip a lot of the projects recommended in this curriculum but this was something we've never tried before and it turned out to be SO worth it. We had the best time.
It was wild, crazy and nerve wracking but worth it. : )
Come to think of it, a lot of home schooling is like that! lol

I ended up doing all the kids. Here are a couple of them:

Don't they look just like them?! : )

This led to lots of discussion on who in the family has whose nose. ~I don't think any of the kids have my nose and I told them to be grateful. ; )
A certain somebody got really tired of the nose discussion and couldn't wait for school to end.

Here is how we did it:
Tape a piece of white construction paper to a wall and have someone shine a flash light on it from across the room. (use a really dark room) Then have someone draw the outline of their shadow on the paper. Tape your white sheet to a black one that is underneath it and cut it out. Throw the white one away and frame the black one!
Great keepsakes!

March 5, 2009

Special friends and fun

Saturday we were blessed to spend the day with some special friends.
These dear people have known my hubby since he and their son were in the 6th grade together! : )
We really enjoy seeing them each winter when they come to FL. They are so sweet!
During our visit they took us to the Homosassa Springs State Park.
A first for us.
We've seen manatees at the zoo of course, and even once or twice in the wild but it was fun to watch them being fed. They are so cute!

These were by far, the most active alligators we have ever seen anywhere...


Here are our kiddos:

....And here's what I would look like as a manatee. LOL! -Not a pretty picture! The kids talked me into that.

We had a great time! Thank you to the C. Family! We look forward to seeing you next year.


March 3, 2009

Wednesdays in the Word

I am loving Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest right now.
This is the first time I've ever read it....
But it will not be the last! : )

The entry for about every other day usually rocks my world and makes me examine my motives. It is great!

Here are some recent quotes that have touched me:

"We need to rely on the resurrection life of Jesus much deeper than we do, to get into the habit of steadily referring everything back to Him; instead of this we make our common sense decisions and ask God to bless them.... (ouch!)
If we do a thing from a sense of duty, we are putting up a standard in competition with Jesus Christ....We have put our sense of duty on the throne instead of the resurrection life of Jesus."
(double ouch!)

"It is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide, veneered over with Christian sentiment. (ouch to the extreme!)
You will be more prosperous and successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realize the call of God. But if once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ,
the memory of what God wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him on the common-sense basis."


March 2, 2009

Hats of Hope

Our knitting small group met yesterday and we have over 30 hats to send out! Whoo-hoo!

This is our first batch and most of them will go to a missionary in South Dakota who will give them to Native Americans in need.
I wish my photos did them justice. They are all SO cute!!!!!!!

I just love them.

Here's the answer to the prayer for YARN. : )

And I think we've barely dented the pile so far. : )

More hats to come!
