"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

May 25, 2018

The repentent thief?

So, my dear son in California, who is in youth ministry out there, recently got ALL,
as in every bit,
of his clothing stolen from his condo's laundry mat! Poor guy!

-I remember being a college kid and wearing every stitch of clothing I had before doing a TON of laundry all in one day at the campus laundry mat. LOL
He literally had to run out and buy something to wear to church the next day, especially since he was speaking! He was so mad about this. Bless his heart!

Well, apparently since then, he put up a sarcastic sign in the laundry mat (those of you who know him can totally picture him doing this -LOL)
CONGRATULATING someone on stealing all of his clothes and asking that if anything didn't fit, that they return it!

Well, guess what? He got a bag at his door with some of his crumpled up shirts in it!

Soooo funny!
Or maybe what is even funnier is that he DIDN'T get back the socks and underwear! LOL


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