"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

March 11, 2018

This and that from the week

I feel like mentioning that we actually did not have a wedding to go to this weekend. LOL
But if we keep going to so many, I may have to actually learn the electric slide -even though I have  no rhythm!

The other day at work, I leaned over my desk to pour the last bit of tea from my cup into a planter, (bad idea) and totally forgot that I had a lit candle on my desk!
And yes, the very worst thing that could happen, did!
My hair caught on fire! 
Everyone else had already left for the day, so lucky for me they didn't see me screaming and slapping my hair. Oh my stars! Does anything smell worse than burning hair?
I'm thanking the Lord for layers because it isn't noticeable at all. And I'm hereby grounding myself from all candles for the foreseeable future.

If you want something done in the heavenlies, get Joy to pray for you. Seriously!
I'm blessed to get to watch God do amazing things in answer to her prayers for the people in her life!
This week she prayed and decided to ask for a raise at work. And she was given MORE than she asked for! How amazing is that? They told her that she is now the highest paid employee, who isn't in management. Yay!  #godsfavor

This week I applied to be a volunteer Cuddler at the women's hospital. That's a real thing!
 You get to spend 3 hours at a time cuddling babies, who were born with addictions. Isn't that heartbreaking? I hope I get to be apart of the program. I'd love to spend some time cuddling and praying over newborns!

I'll leave you with this great quote from a book I am reading right now called Own Your Life:

"Stewarding your life wisely can bring great confidence, excellence of character and peace of mind
-And lead you to create a legacy, a story worth telling.
But it begins with a determination on your part to make a wise plan,
to forge resonable goals, to listen ot the prompting of the Holy Spirit
and to trust God to lead you on a path of spiritual renewal and strength.
Each day you are writing the story that your life will tell throughout eternity." ~Sally Clarkson

May we write well!


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