"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

November 21, 2014

Party on

Even though it seemed crazy throw a party when my Hubby was still SO sick, we realized it turned out to be some great therapy!
Zac said that he thought it bonded us closer together as a family during this hard time and he said it gave us all something to look forward to. He's so glad we did it.

And so we are on to the next party! : )

Not so much for therapy but because it just so happens that Nathan's trip out here coincides with Hubby's birthday and just about coincides with his!!!! Hooray!
(pretty sure that Hubby's celebration will be something very low key) : )

But we are going to throw Nathan a party with a bunch of his friends!
He'll be 20! And it will be a great way to see everyone at once!

The boys let me know that I can't be Pinterest-y so, really, how hard can it be?! ; )


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