"Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise." ~Andy Stanley

November 25, 2014

All the happenings

This enormous box came in the mail from sweet family members, full of yummy items to help tempt my Hubby's appetite to come back. So thoughtful!

Andrew's best friend flew in from CA for the annual youth retreat that weekend. They were beyond excited for all the fun to come: powerful worship services, small groups, hotel room antics and a trip to Islands of Adventure!

For her birthday, Joy had her hair done by Zac's girlfriend, Tiffany. She wanted it to be red and I wasn't sure I would like it red, but it is so very cute on her.

Friday night, the kids left for the retreat and I declared Saturday to be Jammie Day. I've never stayed in my jammies ALL day unless I as sick before. It was like my own little staycation! I took care of hubby, watched movies and read a book.  It was a fun day off.

Sunday, Hubby wanted to try leaving the house and going to church but it proved to be too soon. Bless his heart, so I went by myself. The kids came back that night, blessed and exhausted.

 Monday, the boys saw Interstellar, which is apparently, the best movie ever made. :-) Then we took J to the airport and sent him off with lots of hugs. He unfortunately got stuck over night in Houston though, due to weather. Bless his heart and his mom's, who thankfully has friends who live in Houston, who came and rescued him from a night spent in a hotel room with strangers!

Now, we are preparing for Thanksgiving! Here's hoping for no last minutes trips to the grocery store on the day before Thanksgiving! Those are not my favorite. ; )

We certainly have a lot to be thankful for. Our list this year is very long! What an amazing God we serve!


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